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Freya was ready to perform a spell and bring Natali back. She picked up the jar of ashes and removed the lid before dumping its content into the mixture of soil and water she's created in her stone coffin. She then thrusts her hands forwards and lifts up her arms as she begins her spell, "Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu!"

She continues her resurrection spell, which has caused all of the lit candles around her to flare brightly and starts to chant loudly, "Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu!"

Suddenly, all of the flames from the lit candles around die out and Freya stops chanting. Kol and Freya anxiously look at the stone coffin, whose soil, ash and water mixture has completely solidified.

They watch the bow-solidified soil and ash mixture as it begins to crack, but to their surprise, nothing else happened.

- Kol looks into the coffin, "Where the bloody hell is she?" he demanded to know.

- "It's like she wasn't there at all." Freya says, "Maybe the ancestor got to her first."

- "Do it again!" Kol exclaims furiously.

- "I can't, that's it Kol." Freya tells him.

- "You should have never agreed with her plan. I should have never agree." Kol says angrily.

- "But it worked, we defeated Lucian." Freya tells him.

- "Shut up, Freya." Kol shouted, making her flinch, "Obviously I'm the only one here who can make good plans and decisions. So now you listen to me, we'll go to the ancestral world and find her."

- "Are you mad?" Freya asks him.

- "You know the answer to that question." Kol replies.

⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡

Kol, Freya and Rebekah were in the courtyard and they prepared everything for the spell to take them to the ancestor world.

- "So how exactly does this work?" Rebekah asked them as she sat in the circle between the two of them.

- "You will be our anchor to this side." Kol tells her and uses a knife to slice open his palm, then he also uses a knife on her palm, while Freya repeats their actions.

- "Once we cross over we're going to be in enemy territory. We're gonna have to move quick and find Natali. Otherwise, the ancestors are gonna shut us both down." Freya says and takes out a potion and drinks it.

- Kol looks at Rebekah, "Bekah, just don't go mad while we're there."

She just gives him a small smile, hoping that won't happen. They both take Rebekah's hand and lay back with their eyes closed. Freya then begins to chant in order to bring them to the witch purgatory, "Prezeve lyen lavi nou. Prezeve lyen lavi nou. Prezeve lyen lavi nou."

Kol gasps awake a moment later sitting up straight in the ancestral world. Freya also awakens as they both get to their feet. Freya uses Natali's necklace so they and find her, while Kol stands behind her watching and waiting.

While Freya was chanting Kol saw someone in the dark and realized that it was Davina.

- "Davina." Kol says as he sees her and walks towards her.

- She turns to face him, "I guess you came here to look for Natali." she remarks.

- "Where is she? What did you do to her?" Kol demanded an answer.

- "She is not here anymore." Davina tells him.

- "What do you mean by that?" Kol asked.

- "When she died in my body, both of us came here and the ancestors were waiting." Davina began, "I don't know what they did to her, but she was sucked into oblivion and she isn't here anymore. So whatever you try to do to bring her back, it won't work."

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