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As the sun started to rise in the sky and light started to pour into the room through the blinds Natali started to wake up from her slumber. She reluctantly opened her eyes but as soon as she noticed that Kol wasn't next to her she fully woke up. She then got out of the bed and went to the bathroom hoping that Kol was there, but he wasn't. She turned on the shower, discarded her clothes, and stepped into the ray of warm water.

When she finished in the bathroom she went back to the bedroom and looked for the clothes she is going to wear. A few moments later someone opened the bedroom door and she saw it was Kol.

- "Kol where have you've been?" Natali asked.

- "I was out for a few hours." Kol told her.

- "For a few hours? What have you been doing?" Natali questioned.

- "Taking care of some things before we leave." Kol replied, "I killed that boy Davina was dating. He was asking around and getting too close."

- "How do you know that?" Natali asked him.

- "Eric saw him lurking close to the Fangtasia." Kol says, "And before I killed him he told me that he saw Davina leave and didn't saw her since then."

- "Oh yeah, I woke up in their bed, but I thought he was asleep." Natali says.

- "Well, he wasn't." Kol told her, "We should leave before Marcel or Josh start looking for her."

- "We can leave in a few hours." Natali told him.

- "I will go to our apartment and get your stuff, and then we'll leave." Kol told her and before he left he kissed her forehead softly.

⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡

- "Easy with that wine. You're in a human body now, remember?" Natali heard Rebekah saying before she sat next to her.

- "And drinking in the early morning, someone could say I'm an alcoholic." Natali remarks.

- "Well.. it's not far from the truth." Rebekah tells her.

- "Haha." Natali laughs, "How's your mark?"

- Rebekah shows her wrist, "It's okay for now."

- "We don't know how long a spell can last. It could be hours or it could be days." Natali tells her.

- "Guess we'll find out." Rebekah says.

- "Kol and I are going to leave New Orleans." Natali told her.

- Rebekah wasn't surprised, she knew Kol wouldn't want to be around Finn, and Natali is stuck in the house if they don't want anyone to find out that she is in Davina's body, "When?" she asked.

- "Soon. In an hour or two." Natali replied.

- "I'm afraid that's not quite possible." They've heard Elijah's voice from behind.

- "What do you mean by that?" Rebekah asked him with concern.

Elijah walks over to them and shows them a phone. There was a video of Vincent, it was a message.

- "I know we are not on the best of terms, but I need you to listen to me, okay? Um, we're in serious trouble. The Ancestors got me on the hook doing some pretty twisted magic, and I want no part of it, but they're forcing me to help Lucien Castle. And, if you don't help me, Freya Mikaelson is gonna die." hearing her name, they both frown in concern as they continue to listen to the video, "Before they forced me to take her, they had me put up a cloaking spell, so we can't be tracked. Now, Lucien's taking us out of town someplace, I don't know where.. but there's a loophole."

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