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Klaus and Marcel are sitting down in the courtyard, opposite from each other. Marcel called him to have a talk, something about humans and since Klaus had an obligation to rule his kingdom he couldn't refuse to take time and listen to want he has to say.

- "The humans have called a meeting." Marcel informed him, "They're not exactly thrilled with the new status quo."

- "How unfortunate for them." Klaus responded simply. He couldn't care less about what humans think.

- Just as Marcel opened his mouth to speak they heard Kol's voice coming from the entrance of the compound, "So are we gonna kill humans as well?" Marcel and Klaus looked at him, just to see a devilish smirk appearing on his face.

- Marcel sighed and turned his attention back at Klaus, "Look, it's your show now. But, you wanna know how I built what I built? Politics. A little diplomacy goes a long way, especially with the human faction."

- Natali laughs, "And I think that we shouldn't negotiate with humans at all. They are just our source of food, nothing more, nothing less."

- "Where did they called a meeting?" Klaus asked.

- "At St. Anne's Church." Marcel replied.

- "Fantastic." Klaus says with a smirk as one more idea crossed his mind, "And then there's Davina. She's a powerful weapon. At this point, I'd like to keep her close at hand. I think we should have her move into the compound here with us."

- Marcel looked at him in slight confusion, "She can't leave the attic. I already tried to move her once."

- Klaus slightly smiled, "Yes, about that.. Turns out, your little witch is quite the actress. She made a deal with Elijah, tricked you into letting her stay put in exchange for some spells from our mother's grimoire."

- Marcel nodded bitterly, clearly not happy about Davina lying to him, "Good to know. Is that all?"

- "About Davina?" Klaus asked and answered, "I do believe it is. But there is one thing you should know." he fixed his gaze at Marcel before saying, "Natali is coming with us-"

- Marcel interrupted him with a frown, "I'm not letting her near Davina."

- "If she wanted to kill her I think Davina would be quite dead already." Klaus told him, "She is coming with us to make a truce with her."

- Natali smiled at Marcel, "She is going to die anyway."

- "What?" Marcel exclaimed, rising to his feet, "What do you mean by that?"

- "I suppose you know she has the power of all three sacrificed girls running through her." Kol spoke, pausing for a moment, "Well it's just a matter of time when that will end her."

- Marcel looked uncomfortable and nervous with this new information, but he thought that he knew better than to believe them, "I don't believe in anything you two say. Everything that's coming out of your mouth is a lie!"

- "Is it?" Natali said narrowing her eyes at Marcel.

- "Suit yourself." Kol told him in a flat tone, "But she is a ticking bomb."

- Marcel turned back to Klaus, "We should go on a meeting." he said as Klaus drank from his glass. He drowned the rest of his drink before he stood up.

- "Kol, are you leading vampires to the Bayou?" Klaus asked him.

- "Yes, I do. I came here to collect those vampires from yesterday." Kol told him.

- "Well, they are someone around here." Klaus told him waving his hand around the courtyard.

- "Kill a werewolf for me, will you?" Natali said to Kol.

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