Chapter 1 - The Chit

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Lily Dornan

Broken. That's the only word which defines my life.

I'm an average girl in her early 20s, who should be in college studying for her annual exams right now but still here am I in this house which is not less than hell for me.

Let me throw some light on my life. I'm Lily Dornan. I am half-American and half-Indian. My mom was a photographer who was on a tour with her office friends. She met my father and fell in love.

They got married within a span of 2 months and then after about a year my elder sister Rihanna was born.

Rihanna has blond hair like my dad and blue eyes like mom.

I have light brown hair of my mom and chocolate brown eyes of my father.

Rihanna was always the brighter and more loved child.

I was good at studies back in school days but wasn't allowed to got to college because my dad didn't wanted to waste his 'precious money' on me. He always wanted Rihanna to marry a filthy rich guy and shower him with money.

My mom always cared for me and protected me from the world's harshness. She passed away when I was 14 due to cancer and ever since she left, my dad started beating and hurting me saying I was the reason she died.

Rihanna,who used to be the best sister in the world, started hating me due to my achievements in school after a year of mom's death.

Both my father and sister started beating and abusing me.

Everyday they would come to my room and abuse me and blame me for everything bad that happened with them.

My life was a nightmare which everyone feared dreaming. Everyday I used to think of running away from the house but I had nowhere to go. My job at the small cafè near our house was just sufficient enough to make two meals for me, a day.

I didn't had money to afford rent to a house or even get a job because I didn't had a college degree.

My alarm clock started ringing indicating that I have 30 minutes left for getting changed and going to my work.

I got up from my bed and changed into my work outfit. It was given to us by the cafè owner and manager, Mrs. Minns. She was an old lady in her early 60s. She was always very caring and sweet towards me.

I wore the pink and white checks printed skirt on. I wore the black T-shirt which had the symbol of my cafe on the left side of it. I tucked the T-shirt in the skirt and combed my hair straight. I left it down and applied a little lip gloss and a quote of mascara.

I wore my shoes and took my bag which had a notepad and left. Since my father doesn't want me to use a phone so I haven't got one.

Also, did I mention, I write small quotes and two-liners in free time. My shift starts at 2 and ends at 5 in the evening. My sister usually comes home at 6 and dad returns home after 8 so I get time to cook and clean the house while they are away.

I walked to my cafè as it is near to my house. The cold air hit my face and my hair started flowing with the wind.

I walked for good 10 minutes.

I entered the cafè and kept my bag in my small little locker.

I had my apron on and started doing the plates.


I was busy writing down the order of table 7. It was a busy day and was hell tiring.

The small bell which is fixed at the main door of the cafè, rang which indicated we have a customer.

"Lily, take the order of table 3." Mrs. Minns instructed me and I nodded.

I gave her a smile.

I walked to the table to find an immensely gorgeous man seated there talking with another man.

The first man who was so handsome had blue eyes which were a little dark. His long eyelashes casted a beautiful shadow on his eyes. He had a sharp face with high cheekbones and sharp jaw. With his appearance he looked quite handsome and well built.

The man who sat with him was also quite handsome but not as handsome as the first one. He had blue eyes and black hair. He was muscular too.

"Hello. I'm Lily and at your service." I said with a bright smile.

The man stopped talking and looked up at me.

The second man gave me a small smile. The first one kept staring. I wasn't feeling creepy but something different. I don't know what.

"Hello Lily, we would like two black coffees for each of us and one chocolate donut for me. What about you, Carter?" The second man looked at the first one to place his order.

"... Vanilla Donut." The first man spoke for the first time and his voice sent shivers down my spine.

"V..Very Well." I said a little stuttering. Maybe because I was feeling a little affected by him.

I made their orders quickly and served them.

I didn't went to receive the pay as I was busy with another customer.

Harry, a co-worker and a good friend of mine handed me a small chit while he approached me.

I was just packing my stuff back as my shift was about to end.

"The man at table 3 gave this for you." He handed me the chit.

"Which one?" I asked curiously.

"The one with blue eyes." He said with a 'duh' tone.

"Jesus, Harry. Both of them had blue eyes." I remarked.

"The one with brown hair." Harry replied and as if on que, his boyfriend entered the cafè.

Yes, his boyfriend. He is a gay.

His boyfriend shortly took him away after sending a wave my way.

I took my stuff and bid goodbyes to my friends. I exited the cafè. I had the chit in my pocket all the time.

I walked to the garden which was near my house.

I found an empty bench and sat there.

I took the chit and opened it. The chit read :

"Dear Lily,

I liked your persona and would be obliged if you would want to grab a coffee tomorrow at the cafè near the one you work at 5.

PS : I'm not a creepy stalker. I just want to know you.

- Carter Woodwords."

What should I do?

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