Chapter 29 - I will

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Lily Dornan

"Congratulations Ms. Dornan. You're pregnant." Doctor said and Jessica smiled at me.

After every complications in my life, somehow I'm very happy to have this life inside me.

There are a tons of questions I'm yet to find answers too but right now I can take a small minute to cherish this bundle of joy.

I kept a hand on my stomach and smiled a genuine smile. Tears were on the brim of my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Jessica smiling at me.

I kept a hand on hers and returned her smile with one of my own.

I'm going to be a mother.

"Shall I give you a print of it's photo?"

"Yes, please." I said and she smiled.

She was about to throw my pregnancy test when I stopped her.

"May I have the test please? I want to keep it."

"Yeah sure. I'm very sorry I was about to throw it without asking for your permission."

"It's fine." I said and she handed me the test with an apologetic smile.

I kept the test in my hand bag.

"Since you are wearing a gown, will you please change into a tee and leggings. They're inside the bathroom in the first cupboard from left." She gestured towards the bathroom. I was already wearing a three-fourth leggings so I simply put on the tee and exited the bathroom.

"Please lay here, I'll show you the baby."

I walked towards the bed and laid on it.

She rid the tee up until my swollen belly was clearly visible.

She applied the clear gel which was blue in colour on my stomach.

She switched the monitor on and kept a small machine on my belly.

Black and White images started to appear on the screen.

She moved the small mouse like thing and stopped at a point.

"There is your baby." She pointed on the little dot on the monitor. It's so tiny.

And it's actually inside me.

"You would like a photo,right?" She said and smiled.


"Sure." She printed a photo and handed it to me.

"Also, the baby is 3 weeks along. We'll meet after 2 weeks."

"Meet you." I said waving her with a smile.





I can't explain the happiness I'm feeling right now. I never thought what it would be like to be a mother. I am so so happy that I'm finally getting a chance to have a family.

This baby. I'm love it so much already. It's mine and I know for sure no circumstances will ever do us apart. I will make sure of it.

I smiled all the way from the doctor's place to home while keeping a hand on my belly.

I'm so happy with having a baby.

We pulled up at the house, Jess parked the car and walked in.

I opened the door to see Zack, Amara, Alec and Nathan sitting around Drawing room.

"Sure everyone, come on in." I sarcastically say and smiled at them.

"Cut the sass. What did the doctor say?" Zack said being all serious.

"I'll fetch some juice and snacks for us meanwhile why don't you tell them?!" Jess said and made her way towards the kitchen.

"Guys, I'm pregnant." I said breaking in a smile.

"That's great." Amara hugged me.

"Wow." Zack next hugged me with a big smile.

"I'm so happy for you." Alec says and gives me a big bear hug.

"Congratulations." Nathan says with a forced smiled.

"Thank you everyone." I say and we all settle down on the couch. Just then Jessica walks in with some juice and snacks.

"It's your husband's right?" Zack asked and Amara smacked his head.

"Shut up. How can you ask that?" She said glaring at him.

"Sorry. Just asking no offence." Zack said throwing his hands up in air.

"None taken. And yes it's Carter's." I said with a small smile.

"So what have you decided next?" Alec asked.

"I'm planning on taking an admission in college alongside job but I haven't thought of which college. I've done my graduation and for post graduation I was left with only three months. If the principal is generous enough, I'll continue from where I left."

"That's great but what about you?" Jessica questioned.

"What do you mean 'what about me'?"

"You know that the baby needs a father too right?"

"If I can provide him/her with everything then he/she won't."

"You need a partner, Lily. Accept the thirty as fast as you could."

"Jess, I don't. After whatever happened and the way I am, I don't think someone would like to have a girl like me."

"There nothing wrong in you. Get over your complexion." Nathan spoke for the first time since that small 'congratulations' and that too in a stern voice.

"Nathan, it's not about complexion."

"No one cares what your past is. You should try and move on. Forget Carter." Alec said.

"It's not about what happened between Carter and I. Carter was nowhere to be blamed for our divorce. It was my decision." I said starting to get a little annoyed. They are my friends but they still don't know about everything that went down. I haven't told them the reason of our divorce clearly.

"Do you still love him?" Nathan asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I can never unlove him. It's just that I have started making myself forget everything about him."

"Don't you think Carter has a right to know about this?" Amara asked

Now I realise, Carter does wanted kids. Also, there was no protection used ever.

"I might tell him once the baby is born." I said dismissively.

"I'll set you up a date. You should definitely try." Jess said.

"Jessica I cant. Who would want a girl like me, who is broken, messy, has a past and is also carrying the child of her ex-husband?" I asked with a bitter chuckle.

"I will." Nathan said and our eyes snapped at him in an instance.

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