Chapter 5 - After All

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Lily Dornan

"What?" The first thing that dad said was this.

He stood up from his seat, fuming in anger.

"And what about me?" Out of nowhere Rihanna spoke. She was standing by the door with her bag in her hand and door keys in another. Believe me when I say, we didn't acknowledge her presence.

Rihanna was angry too. Maybe more then dad.She glared at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead already.

"Don't look at her like that." Carter spoke and her eyes flicked back on him.

"No, Mr. Woodwords. I wouldn't allow this. You have to marry Rihanna." Dad spoke while Rihanna sat next to him.

"Firstly, You are no one to allow me. And secondly, I am marrying Lily and that's final." Carter spoke and a smirk formed on his face.

"What did you did to change his mind? You must have started your whoring ways, No?" Rihanna spoke with hateful voice.

"Shut up and don't you dare talk to her like that. Insulting her means crossing me. And you wouldn't like the consequences of it." Carter spoke and stood up, with me next to him. His hand comfortably resting on my waist.

Carter took his phone and dial a number.

"Joshua, send a contract stating the deal between me and Alexander to his house. Make sure the name is Lily Dornan." He spoke and 'sure' was heard. After that he hung up the phone and looked at dad.

"Sign that papers and send them to my office." Dad nodded.

The room fell into silence.

"Come Lily, lets get your luggage." Carter said and I nodded.

Sonia sent me a quick wink with a smile.

"Bye. Do call me from time to time. Love you." She said as she hugged me.

"Love you too." I said as we pulled away.

"Take care of her, Woodwords." Sonia said in warning tone and hugged him.

" I will." Carter assured and he pulled away.

With that she took our leave.

I and Carter went to my room while Dad went to his study and Rihanna made her way up to her room, grumbling.

We entered my room and the first thing I did was, I hugged Carter really tight. He gladly wrapped his arms around me. I inhaled his scent. His sandalwood smell, calmed me down a little. I was so thankful that he was there to answer on my behalf and also protect me. Other time Sonia would do that but today, she was examining Carter and he passes it with flying colours.

I broke the hug and looked in Carter's eyes. He was still holding me close to his chest, with his arms around my waist. I just feel so good in his arms.

"Thank you." I said.

"What for?" He asked with amused eyes.

"Nothing. Sonia just tested you and you passed, wait no, you aced that test." I said and tried to dismiss the topic.

"I had to." I think he knows what I'm talking about.

"Thank you for standing up for me, Mr. Woodwords." I said playfully.

"My dear Mrs. Woodwords, you belong to me and I know how to protect what's mine." I smiled a genuine smile at him. He kissed my cheek, as a response.





We were currently standing before the Pericoloso Mansion. It's so big and grand. Everything about it is just perfect.

We walked inside and it's magnificent. I don't have words to describe it. It has cremè coloured walls. There are carpets in the main entrance and walking a little in, we have a sofa set and couches, which are very expensive looking, by the way. There is a big flat tv screen. Everything was so good.

I saw a man walking towards us. He was tall, had blue eyes and was heavily built too. He was the same man Carter was sitting with, at the cafè some days ago.

"Finally here." He said and Carter nodded.

"Lily meet Evan Stalin. Evan this is Lily." Evan hugged me and I returned that gesture. He is a childhood friend of Carter, which he informed me about earlier and obliviously a Mafia man. Who hasn't heard about Evan Stalin? He is the CEO of 'Fashion and the city' too. I have heard there are 2 other people apart from Carter and Evan who are the CEOs of the company.

"Nice to meet you." I said as he broke the hug.

"Very nice to meet you." He said with a nice smile.

Honestly, they might me the members of a very feared Mafia group but they don't seem scary, at least to me.

"Dinner's almost ready. Carter why don't you show her her room and then we have dinner, ?" Evan suggested.

"Ohk." Carter replied and led me towards the staircase. We went to the second floor where his room is.

"Why am I in the same room as you?" I asked as Carter opened the door and we walked in. I don't really mind but the thought of sharing a room with him is a little.. how do I put this ... little distracting.

"What do you mean? You're my wife." Carter said as if stating the most obvious thing in the world.

"We are yet to take our vows, Mr. Woodwords." I said mischievously.

"Well, Mrs. Woodwords," Carter pulled me towards him by my forearm and rested both his hands on my waist. I didn't say or did anything so he took my hands and kept them on his chest. I carelessly left them there.

"Married or not, you'll always sleep in the same bed as I." He said and tucked a loose hair behind my ear.

He lowered himself and placed a small chaste kiss on my sweet spot, the junction between my neck and my shoulder.

I am sure I must be red by now. A small smile made its way to my lips.

"Don't blush like that Flower, you alone in this dress is enough for me to go insane." He said and I blushed even more. It's true, I was wearing a black dress which had a sweetheart neckline, which wasn't too deep and had full sleeves. It ended just above my knees.

I hid my head in the crook of his neck. Why does he have to say such things?

He hugged me tighter and my hands which were previously on his chest were now encircled around his neck.

A knock interrupted our little moment.

"Damn it." I heard Carter curse and I let out a small laugh.

Well, maybe life isn't going to be so bad after all.

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