Chapter 31 - Coming

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Carter Woodwords

"What the fuck is this?" I threw the file on Andrew's face. This motherfucker can't even dig information about a rival company's past.

"Sir, I tried my best but they have it all hidden. The information is kept very secure." He said with apologetic eyes.

"I don't wanna hear anything. You could've hired a hacker or some one to complete the task given to you. Wait, you know what? You're fired." I said throwing the file at his face and opened my laptop and started typing.

"What... Wait no please." He asked for me to forgive him but I'm not gonna hear a thing.

"Get your face out of my vision before I'll do things I'm not proud of." He gulped in fear and walked out of my office.

"Bro, that's like what 5th of an assistant you fired in 7 months." Ian said as he walked in and sat on the chair in front of me.

It's been almost 7 months since Lily left. After about a month of drowning myself in alcohol and shedding tears, I convinced myself that I have to move on. I'm not gonna let anyone in, now that she's gone. I can't and that's all I know. All I can do is concentrate on my work. Right now I'm at 'Fashion and the City' sitting in my cabin.

"I'm not in the mood brother." I said and turned my head back on the laptop.

"Why are you so grump these days? Nothing you do makes sense."

"If you're worried about Andrew, he'll get a job somewhere else cause he's very qualified. About me, I have no one to come home back to. I have no one keeping me sane. Sorry brother but you have Anna and it's easy to say. Everyone has someone waiting at home for them and I don't. The best thing for me to do is drown myself in work to kept my head off such things." I signed the last file and stood up from my chair wearing my blazer. I took my phone and wallet from the desk and walked out.

I messaged my driver and asked him to hand me over the car keys.

I reached the parking and took the keys. I started my car and drove to the park.

The park where Lily loved to come.

I found an empty bench and sat there all alone drowned in my thoughts.

The lake and the children playing around make the park so lively. The setting sun casts such beautiful orange light on the green trees making the view so beautiful that at a point it seems unreal.

It's pity that I was unaware of such a beautiful side of the nature. Lily was the one to introduce me to a whole new and beautiful sight of the world.

Poetic and Cheese(ness) aside, she really made me love my life. The same world I used to despise is now beautiful to my eyes and it's all because of her.

I still remember once I was back home early and she was dressing up to visit it.


I opened the door to our room and walked in.

I took off my blazer and rolled my sleeves up. I walked into the walk-in closet. I saw Lily standing in front of the mirror observing herself.

She was wearing navy blue pants and a matching blue shirt

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She was wearing navy blue pants and a matching blue shirt. She was looking so good without even making an effort.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You're early today." She said and turned around in my arms to kiss me.

She wanted to pull back but I held the kiss for some extra seconds.

"Hello flower." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Have I mention before how hot you look in those rolled up sleeves." She said with a smirk.

Guess I had a bad impact on her. Hey, not complaining though.

"Several times but why don't you show me how much you think I look hot?" I said and reached for her but she ducked.

"Well, firstly I was joking not about the 'looking hot' part, about the thing you're planning on doing and secondly, I am going to the park and you're coming with me if your free." She said the last sentence in a sceptical voice.

"I'm always free for you, love." I said and took out a pair of my semi-casual clothings and changed quickly.

" I said and took out a pair of my semi-casual clothings and changed quickly

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"Why do you love white so much?" She asked and I took her hand in mine.

"I love YOU so much." She giggled and kissed my cheek at my sentence.

We spent the rest of the day at the park. We did particularly nothing but talk our hearts out.

For me relationships are all about comfort. I love the way I'm so comfortable around her. We don't have any filter while we are talking. We can pour our hearts out. No tea, no shade and no offence. We just keep the talk real. I think our relationship got a whole lot stronger by all the talkings and to be honest I loved this. I would always advice someone to talk honestly with the person he/she wants a strong bond with. That's probably the best advice I have ever received and will ever give to anyone because it works.

There are a million types of nakedness you may have with a person but this type of nakedness, where you don't hide anything from that one person is probably my thing.


My phone rang and bought me out of my trance. We'll I got carried away. It's almost 7:30 in the evening.

I looked at my phone and it flashed Andy's name.

"What?" I asked not in a harsh tone but just keeping it short.

"We got Lily's address." Andy said and I frozen for a second.

"I'm coming."

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