Chapter 33 - Happy

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Narrator's POV

Mustering up her words minus any profanities and calming her very furious mind, Katherine walked towards Linda Woodwords' room. Lily went through so much and all this because of this evil woman sitting right in front of her. Lily's 8 months pregnant. Her first pregnancy and that too away from her home. She's alone and needs her friends, family and most importantly her husband. How the fuck is she so okay with that?

"Mrs. Woodwords, we want to talk to you, something important." Emma politely said as she opened Linda's room's door after knocking.

"Yeah child come in." Linda said closing the book she was reading. She got up and kept the book on a table nearby.

Katherine entered the room along with Evan, Ian, Anna, Liam and Emma.

Carter left about an hour ago for Boston. He took Pericoloso's private jet. Andy, by a small mistake of a fellow agent got Lily's photo. On digging further, he found about about her not only joining her college again but also that she was pregnant that too with Carter's child. He didn't waste any more time and called Carter immediately.

Other members of the mansion too rushed in the office of Evan where Andy had collected all the latest information about Lily.

Apparently she was pregnant with Carter's child. She was living with Jessica Collins who was a wedding planner. She initially worked as an English teacher in a local school but then resumed her college. She had some friends except Jessica namely : Amara, Zack, Nathan, Alec, Jasmine, Olivia and Tatiana.

Jessica has by far supported Lily greatly and all of them were very grateful to her. They discovered that Sonia and Samuel knew all the way about her whereabouts but didn't spoke because of Lily's pressure on them. Also they didn't want Carter or Lily to further get hurt.

Well, after a long aggressive lecture given by Carter to Sam and Sonia, Carter forgave them with free babysitting anytime he wants until the child turns 1. Well, Sonia definitely didn't mind and also she thought it would be a great practice as they both were expecting a child too.

Being the classic Carter, he straight away took the jet and is on his way to Boston.

"We wanted to talk about...." Emma was very sceptical weather she should should tell Linda about finding Lily slowly or just rip off the band-aid off.

"Speak up Emma." Linda said. She was thought they wanted to have a party or a get together sort of event and wanted permission from her but boy was she wrong.

"We found Lily." Ian said breaking the torturous silence.

"So?" Linda asked casually shrugging her shoulders.

"Carter is bringing her back." Anna said folding her hands.

"WHAT?" Linda said as she stood up from the couch she was sitting on earlier with a bewildered face expression.

She couldn't believe her own son choose that stupid poor girl rather than her. After Lily left, she thought that lady was away from her son's life and for good. She thought Carter would eventually agree on marrying a decent girl she chooses for him. She couldn't further press Rachel into marrying Carter but there were still thousands of girl who would happily accept the proposal of marriage to Carter. Honestly, Linda was well aware with the fact that his son was way too handsome and was also famous for his playboy ways before settling down with Lily.

"Im leaving this house right now." Linda announced as she drew a bag out of her closet and started packing her things in it. She just couldn't bear the thought of that girl with her son.

"Lily's pregnant." Evan said which made Linda stop her actions.

"She's what?" Linda's limbs immediately stooped.

"I didn't stutter." Evan said with a hard glare.

"It's Carter's." Emma quickly added answering Linda's unasked question.

Something turned inside of Linda.

"How long?" Linda asked as she huffed sat on the couch.

"She's 8 months along." Linda's hand covered her mouth.

"Why didn't she tell anyone?" Linda was shook to be honest. All she ever wanted was to become a grandmother. She was shocked and guilty, happy and angry, worried and glad, all at the same time. She was actually going be a grandma. All the things she had done to Lily came rushing into her head.

"She thinks Carter's married to Rachel and didn't wanted to disturb everyone's life with the news." Linda's head which was earlier looking at her hands in her lap now rose to look at Anna in shock as she digested the fact.

"She's not the person you're pinning her to be. She is very sweet and is the perfect match for your son." Emma said.

"I'm gonna be a mother too. I understand you're concern. Even I wouldn't like if someone wants to stay in my son's life for his money and fame but trust me, Lily is nothing like that. She gives immense happiness to Carter. We've witnessed how he has changed after meeting Lily and for good. They deserve to be happy. My suggestion to you is to accept Lily. No one in this world will be a better bride for Carter than her." Katherine said placing a hand on Linda's hand.

"Ask Carter to bring my daughter-in-law to me. I'm going to welcome her with open arms." Linda said finally letting couple of tears roll down her cheeks which were first just welled up in her eyes.

Ian wrapped her arms around his aunt as she broke into tears.

(A/N : Yes, Linda is Ian's aunt. Linda's late husband was a cousin to Ian's father. They are not very close but still related.)

Linda cried for all that and she did towards Lily.

"Evan text Carter about this, please." Katherine said as she smiled.

She's going to see her best friend after 8 months and she couldn't be more happy.

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