Chapter 27 - Late

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Lily Dornan

"Fucking hell." Yes, this was my honest first reaction when the terrible headache hit me.

Due to the irresponsible drinking I did last night, I was greeted with this splitting headache. As I gained my senses back all the events from last night came rushing back to my head.

The club, the drinking, the terrible glass of vodka, the evil burning liquid we call tequila and the bulky man along with the incident that followed by.

I squinted my eyes to prevent the sunlight from entering in them.

"How ladylike, sunshine." I heard the cocky voice of Nathan.

He was seated opposite to me. As he said that he kept his phone on the table and went out of the room.

While he was gone I took a look at myself. I was on a bed with my last night's red dress still on. My hair were down and messy but my heels were off surprisingly.

It took me a minute to realise I was in the guest room of Nathan's house. He entered the room again shortly with a glass of water.

"Wait a minute, how am I here?" I said sitting on the bed with my back rested against the headboard but groaned as my head ached more and more.

"Here. Have this." Nathan said handing me a white pill which I suppose is a painkiller. I took the pill and chugged down a whole glass of water as surprisingly I was quite thirsty.

"I bought you home last night." He said and took his place on the couch where he was seated on earlier.

I know nothing happened between us last night as firstly, it's the guest room I'm in and secondly I'm fully dressed and only my heels are off which he might have helped me in getting rid of.

"Wait, where is everyone else?" I said recalling what a terrible friend am I. I don't even know where the other four are.

"Well, Zack took home a drunk Amara. And Jessica and Alec were fucking each other till 5:30 in the morning to keep it short." I said with a smug smirk.

"Yuck. Wait how do you know they did it till 5:30?" Isn't it like private?

"I went to your house to fetch that arse for gym today at 5:30 in the morning and when I walked in, guess what?, they were about to do it on the couch. I even heard him saying they did it on the kitchen island too." He said with a smile which was cocky.

"Jesus. I need to sanitise the whole house." I said hitting my palm against my forehead.

I hope they used protection.

Nathan started laughing at my reaction and soon I joined him. Well, Jessica has always been carefree.

"I fetched your clothes from Jessica earlier and kept them in the bathroom. I think you should shower. You smell terrible." He said and I fake glared at him. Actually, he's right.

After a refreshing shower, I and Nathan had brunch and I went to my house.





"It was such good fuck." Jessica said wondering God knows what.

"Eww. Gross." I said scrunching my nose.

I was cooking while Jessica was sitting on the kitchen island. Today being Sunday, she was home quite earlier.

We were talking about yesterday night and everything that went down.

Jessica thinks that it's was very irresponsible of me to not carry my gun with me. What if that man was a rival of Pericoloso? Well, she's right. In my defence, I thought that we'll be back in couple of hours and I was not planning on being drunk.

"Lowkey, I think Nathan likes you." Jessica said licking the Nutella off of her finger. She likes to dip her pointer finger in the Nutella jar and then sucking it off it.

"Why? No. I don't think so." I said as I put the chopped vegetables in the pan. I was making Chinese tonight. Of course with the help of Google. I don't know the recipe by heart.

Truly, Google is my bae.

"Why? I mean he cares for you and have you ever seen the way his eyes shine on seeing you." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't think I'm ready. It's been only a two weeks since I had a divorce. It's too early."

"Look, I don't wanna pressure you. I know it has been hard for you but please don't let that incident force you to make a wall around you. Let someone in. Not everyone is Carter." She said keeping a hand on my shoulder.

"Carter wasn't to be blamed on whatever happened. Never forget that." I said in a monotone.

"I know. All I'm saying is give him a chance. If not him then anyone else. Please start living your life." Jessica said laying two plates on the table with two glasses.

Just then I felt the bile rise up my throat. I feel a sense of nausea and I rushed towards the bathroom.

I knelt down and vomited in the toilet. I felt Jessica holding my hairs up.

I vomited some more and brushed my teeth there after. I then flushed the toilet, washed my face and made my way out of the bathroom.

Jessica was sitting on the dining table.

She handed me a pill and I gulped it down with some water.

What is with me and pills today?

"You feeling okay?" Jessica said and I shaked my head sideways.

"I'm feeling like vomiting again and am feeling nauseous."

"Eat something. You'll feel nice." She handed me plate full of food.

The sight of food made me more nauseous but I anyways had some.

"I'll visit a doctor first thing tomorrow." I said keeping my plate in the sink once I was done with my dinner.

"I'll go with you." Jessica said and started doing the dishes.

"Hey Lil, I was thinking," she said but stopped.

"What?" I said scrunching my eyebrows.

"What if you're pregnant?" She said and my eyes widened.

"I can't be." I said shaking the thought away.

"When was the last time you got your periods?" She asked and I turned towards the calendar.

"Well, I'm late." I said and to be honest I don't know what to think right now.

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