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"What is this supposed to mean?!" The queen's booming voice echoed through the silenced room.

I set the apple on the table and slowly walked through the parting of guests left by my fire ball.

"I am sorry for such crude display your Majesty but I needed to act as fast as I could, the Highness' wine had been poisoned." I said seriously, with no doubt in my voice.

I walked through the marble floor and stopped a good six feet away from the family and raised my hand, making a waving motion towards myself and the shards of the glass slowly lifted off the ground with the help of air lifting them, forming back into one solid piece of glass as a flash of fire melted the edges together as the liquid staining the princess' dress and face left the fabric and skin, filling the glass once again and smelling it.

I held it up high in the air.

"Soul sucker was mixed into the Highness' wine." I declared again and a gasp ran through the room.

Soul sucker is the name for a very rare and potent poison: a few drops are enough to finish a platoon of healthy soldiers off and this? It reeked of it now that is had time to activate.
It was really dangerous because alone it tastes like nothing, smells like nothing and does nothing, being just like water but mixed into wine it starts reacting with the alcohol creating the lethal poison and more of it the longer it is left to mix, it weakens the drinker so fast and violently that it is like getting your soul stolen, violent vomiting, bleeding from your lungs and unending night terrors until you die or get the antidote in you.... I would know.... I made this...

"Someone from the castle is a traitor, wanting the Highness' death. The only soul sucker in this corner of the continent was made by head mage Belladonna and I for research on it, someone thought it wouldn't be noticed, masked with magic." I held the glass to Belladonna who had walked up to me and she took it and smelled it.

"It is the one we prepared yes, the faint red Alernia smell to it was of my choice to ward people away from drinking it because as we know red Alernia has a strong smell to ward of anything that knows of its dangers. Right before the party the doors to that room had been forced open and I hadn't been able to find what was off.... Someone swapping a decoy vial with this one, someone that knew what was hidden in that room. Someone working in this castle."

"Guards! No one leaves this room until the murderer attempting at my daughter's life isn't caught!" The queen was angry; a regal anger I would never wish for it to be directed at me.

The guards crossed their spears in X's in front of the door.

"Mages! Do your work!"

"Yes your Majesty." All six of us echoed in unison.

I brushed my hand over the bead that would give me the sight of dragons, the room shifting into hues of blue and purple.

The glass still held by Belladonna glowing a blueish black glow so with my eyes I was scanning through the room as I walked around to see whose hand was stained the same color of magic.
White magic stained the skin if my fellow elementals as it was pure magic from our own bodies but black would mean wild magic was at use and I was sure it was wild magic while the others were searching for an elemental, probably thinking one had infiltrated the castle as a spy from another country.

"You there!" I pointed at the second to head butler, his personal helper, people shoved away from him.

He slammed himself through the window to escape as I jumped after him without a second thought.

I grabbed his leg and the crawling vines on the castle wall caught me, pulling me up and setting me inside the room with the man before turning back to their normal selves.

I brushed the bead again to snuff out the magic that activated it and my vision turned back to normal.

I kneeled down over him, pinning him, a hand firmly on his wrists and the other one on his neck, he let out a loud scream before I let him go, old runes scorched into his body, forever ridding him for his grasp on wild magic.

"Guards, bring that man away." The queen said when I was done with rendering him magicless.

I watched him be pulled out of the room.

"Today." We all looked at the queen as she talked. "Today you have been witnesses to the incredible powers my mages possess, so if anyone else came here with ill intent they can leave because I will send them after you to teach you to not go after me or my family." The queen said, stealing the spot light off of me and placing it on equal part on herself and all of us.

She was lying.

Calypso, who had the most difficulty with plants since she was better with ice, would have never been able to do what I did, a whisper without words to the plants to catch me but now people think everyone of us is this strong creating even more respect for the queen and more fear in her enemies' hearts.

I made my way over to grab my discarded apple and slipped away from the scene, walking down the hallways towards the outside.

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