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"Audrey." I whispered, knocking on the open shutters with a smile.

"Good lords!" she jumped in surprise. "Mystery I was reading!"

"I did tell you I'd pass by later and to expect me."

"True, so what is it?" She closed her book, put it on her bad and walked over, I had my elbows on the window sill and my head in my hand.

"I translated the book and made as much sense of the mystery letters as I could, most is about the banned spells no one should use, a small resume of what they do without the spell to cast it being listed."

"And? Anything else?"

"Well yeah that's why I am here mostly.... Void, it figures between these spells to never use and it is actually called void so we assumed right."

"Oh do tell." She sat up on the window sill as I needed to look up even more up to look at her face.

"Well from what I got it was once not so rare, a few humans had a different version of it which at the start was what let them absorb the wild magic in their body to cast the wild spells and build a stock pile of magic, it was called absorption at the time not void. Reading more it suddenly talked of the legend of the first elemental, it explains even if he was gifted elemental magic by the gods he still had that basic absorption ability and too ensure humanity lived he pushed it to the extreme until the magic collapsed into itself creating a point of magic so dense all other magic around him was sucked into it as if it was an endless void, his body couldn't take it as the magic sprouted leaves and bark over his skin, he died to weaken wild magic and give us humans a chance but not before that void solidified itself as a potential obtainable form of magic so like the three gods three forces exists, wild magic, elemental magic and void."

"Is there anything written about how it is too be harvested?"

"There actually is, it was created in a big bout of emotions as legends say and you were really scared I'd die when you first use it, you need to detach it from your emotions of it might get out of hand."


"There was little about that but since all is filled with magic naturally, anything alive, you need to envision the magic draining out of it, not to cast in a spell but just to fade away."

"Must be harder done than said right?"

"It sure is."

"How will we ever tame this void."

"Well I might have an idea." I sat up on the sill and let the vines let go of me. "Belladonna and I work with plants as you know, the first day we met I declared having prepared one of the most potent poisons with her, well those plants are kept as seeds and secured in a room only head mages can go into so she and I since she does train me as one."

"What is that got to do with anything?"

"This." I held out what looked like a wilting flower but the petals were naturally wrinkly and hanging, I held it between my fingers.

"What does it-." she took it. "Do...." She dropped her head and slouched slightly. "What is this? I feel... Euh."

"Tired and drained." I hummed. "It is called Wither Away, when I read of the void it reminded me of this flower, a natural magic drainer, it absorbs magic to grow so it could live set on your nightstand as magic is all around, if you hold it, it will suck away your magic to fuel its survival."

"But how?"

"It comes from a dry place and it adapted to feed of magic like other plants do with water."


"Now use your void to take the magic back."

"But I can't, it took all my strength."

"Then drop it."

"I can't, I need to try but this is impossible what you ask of me Mystery."

I put my feet inside and stood in front of her, grabbing the flower from her hand and setting it ablaze, its ashes falling on the ground.

"It is possible, once you overpower the flower's own magic and take back what it stole, for one you will know as you don't feel tired but it will also be how to start with the void since that too is also taking magic in you just with the added step that it will disappear."

"So if I beat this flower..."

"You'll have a grasp on what you gotta do for the void so it will be easier, just try to not get angry.... I got so pissed off when Belladonna started my training with this flower that all the plants bloomed black for several days as we didn't know how to reverse the effects of it."

"That was you?" She started laughing.

"Don't mock me and yes I did that."

"And that is another secret."

"You could say that, we told no one of this."

"Well give me another flower and lets start shall we?"

"We shall."

.Elementals.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant