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"How was meeting the prince?" I asked, having found the princess in the outer gardens, the garden with the young elm was in the middle of the castle while these were outside while these were outside of it.

The elvish king didn't have walls up around his castle but a huge maze that arrived into these gardens, you never find your way to the castle and always end up outside if you weren't welcome.

"As any other suitors, I do not want them." she sighed, still really displeased by all this talk of fighting for her hand.

"Highness it will all be alright." I said, brushing her hair out of her face and behind her ear. "If you do not want anyone mage Emersme and myself will do our best to eliminate the competition."


"How else?" I smiled before I caught the smell I was too familiar with.

Shoving the princess over with far more force then I wanted before an invisible force ramming into me chest, sending me through bushes and flowers, rolling on the ground and stopped by the impact of my back with a tree truck, the wood groaning in protest at the forced contact with my body.

I let my magic flare enough for Amalia to sense something was up as I turned to my stomach and got to my knees and hands, taking a deep breath.

"Mystery!" the princess had ran after me when she got up and helped me to my feet. "What was that?"

"Wild magic attack." I said, standing straight. "No spells said or cast, just a pure burst of magic." We could also do that, if we didn't will the magic to take form it would be pure formless magic but it was easier with wild magic as it was already formless.

I threw my arms in front of me and the two magic's clashing took hue, like a stream of light blue wind crashing into the light red half dome of magic covering me and the princess.

My feet were slowly slipping, leaving a trail in the dirt as the power of the magic was not faltering.

I hissed as the magic I produced got cracked and it slowly spread, my injuries were still too fresh, not even a whole day old and that first throw hurt, hurry Amalia.

I dropped one hand, relying on the strength of the magic I could generate with one as I grabbed the princess arm and shoved us out of the stream of wild magic.

"Where is this coming from?"

"I cannot pinpoint it; You stay behind me Highness."

I lifted my arms again to block another jet of magic, both arms shaking and to my surprise my defense shattered suddenly unlike before where I saw happening.

I let out a chocked sound as it rammed into my chest, my body knocking over the princess so I didn't fly off this time.

I turned on my back, taking a few deep breaths to get back to breathing normally again and get up on my knees.


"Help!!" I scrambled to my feet seeing a light blue form of a magic monster holding her in its grip. It was like a big ghost of a yeti but made of magic.

"Let her go!" Three wolves of similar magic rose as I raised my hand and they charged the magic yeti.

As one of them clamped down on the magic made snow monster it let the princess go and she fell into my arms but didn't create my wolves to last so I just had the time to turn so it was my back that was met with the beasts fit and not the princess.

I was smashed into the ground, on my hands and knees with a hand on the back of her head to keep it from hitting the ground while my own did, suffering a cut right over my brow with blood dripping down it.

I spun my upper body and held a hand out, the pure magic shield meeting with the fist of the monster.

it pounded on it and I felt the ground give in under me and letting me sink into it.

"Highness we need to move when I say! Can you move?!"


I waited for it to lift its fist again and I freed my second hand from the ground and blasted the magic beast with the hottest flames I could produces.
The blue flames burning through my gloves and leaving my skin red and prickly when I stopped, yanking the princess up after me and running into the maze, a tight hold on her arm.

I ran for a while before slowing down and leaning gently against the hedges of the maze, they were just so tall and large at least eighty feet large and at least fifty tall so this maze was huge in all proportion.

"What was that thing? What did you do? Wolves?"

"A manifestation of one's magic as the creature that most represents it, a yeti was what that creature is and it is after you."

"Why does everyone want me dead?!" She screamed in shock and confusion along with fear.

"Highness do not worry I will keep you safe, Amalia says the whole castle is in trouble because of these beasts, they are trying to separate you from everyone but I won't let them."

"I am scared Mystery, terrified, why? Why is this happening?!"

"Highness you need to calm down... I do not know why they are out for your life but we will find out, we first need to make it out of this situation by find the wild mage or mages that is or are doing this."

"How?" She asked but before I could answer the howl of a nearby beast shook the maze.

Oh gods give me strength.

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