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"You do you Mystery, I hadn't expected to see that from you." I walked with Calypso that caught up with me. "I don't think many did."

"Yeah magic from other than the hands takes far more concentration than it is worth for most."

"And yet you spat fire and lit a trail under your feet."

"Tell that to Belladonna, she taught me." Not really but whatever, she doesn't need to know that.


"You! How dare you do this to me?!" I turned around just to get socked in the face with a fist.

"It's fine Calypso." I whispered, grabbing her shoulder to stop her from reacting while dropping my other hand from my cheek. "It was a race sire Ethan, I wasn't going to go ease because you are cousin to the Highness. I don't even know how you learnt that speed spell."

"How dare you?! I should have won!"

"It still was a race, be proud you actually got in front of me."

"I will be king!!"

"Consort, that's what you'll be."

"I will behead you!! The council will be on my side!!"

"Ah so you are the one to have twisted their view on if the Highness was fit for the throne, let me tell you this, a man like you should never ever lay eyes on the throne."

He raised his hand and before he could strike me again Calypso swept him aside with a gust of cold icy wind, making him tumble to his behind. I rested my arms clasped in my back.

"You, in no way, have right to promise such threats if you don't want to be trialed for treason by the queen prince Ethan." Calypso said firmly as I smiled softly at her, the big sister figure to all of us.

"Lets go." I said to her, she nodded and we left him there.

"How did you do that?"

I looked down towards the ground, letting the leaves of the elm let go of my feet and flipped in the air to land on my feet.

"Do what Audrey?" I found it surprisingly easy to call her as she had asked, it was an automatism to switch back to Highness when someone was around so I didn't worry.

"The feet trick." She said pointing at her own.

"Oh this?" I asked, juggling a fire ball on my foot and skipping it to the other before kicking it up and letting it fade away.

"Yes that!"

"Magic can escape the human body from several places, extremities of limbs and mouth, it is just harder to control than the hands but you thought if I can spit fire feet would be trouble?"

"Honestly now that you say it.... No."

"Yes if you looked through the tracking orbs view using the tracker you'd have seen me crossing big distances with burst of magic from my feet."

"Almost like flying, you always so grac-- What's that?" She cut herself off.

"What's what?" She put a hand on my cheek and turned my head to the side. "Oh that? It's nothing, sire Ethan was mad that I kicked him in the back to land first place in the race no big deal."

"It is for me." She said, brushing her finger over the skin tender enough to feel slightly pained by that but feel painless otherwise.

"It does hurt my pride, I cannot do much against this but it's fine, he'll mess up once and we'll know."

"Lets hope it is soon." She stepped close and pecked my cheek. "Awe and I thought you didn't fluster easily."

"This isn't fair." She laughed as I covered my cheeks with my hands. "I don't know how to react to this."

"I find it cute don't worry."

"You'll be the death of me in more way than one."

"Please remain alive."

"Don't worry I'll do my possible lets just hope the trials won't be worst."

"Trial third and fourth should be held on the same day but with tomorrow off to have the competitors that might have injured themselves on the race to gather themselves, like the man that you shocked with the lightning."

"It wasn't that much."

"The shock wasn't what hurt him, you kicked in his nose and it cracked."


"Yeah oops, you lucky it didn't shatter and go up in his brain to kill him or you'd be out."

"I was careful."

"Sure... Walk with me?"

"Gladly." I held out my elbow and let her hook her arm around it and grab on, letting her lead me.

"You always hold your arms behind your back?" She asked, staring at my unused arm pressed against my back.

"Yeah I do, a habit, you'd see me cross my hand in front when pondering something serious enough to forget my habit."

"Good to know... The third trial is really simple I don't think you could fail."

"You already know?"

"It was pulled out while the race was going out." There was a rule book with all possible trials within it and they'd randomly pull a strip of paper from a small box with them and the number on it would say which trial it corresponded too.

"Shouldn't you keep it a secret?"

"I should but why would I?" I felt her head lean on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't play favorites."

"It doesn't matter, I want you not them."

"If you say so."

"Yes, the third trial will be extremely easy, it is too weed out the more barbaric from all the races, a simple dance."

"Well might be simple for me effectively but only because it is custom to know to dance as for some reason all small feast or supper with a guest ends in dancing."

"Others might think that too but as you said it is custom, imagine if... I don't know an orc wins, what shame would it bring to all for the consort to be unable to hold up such small tradition."

"Well you don't need to worry about it for me, I might be slightly rusty in my dancing but only my fellow mages know of that."

"Yes and it will be so short the fourth trial will also be held that day."

"No idea of that one?"


"Well don't worry Audrey I won't lose."

"I'll keep you to your promise Mystery."

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