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"Wild magic." I sighed as I heard Belladonna's words.

"Secret revealed as I promised." I looked at her as stood up.

"Wild. Magic." She said with a longer pause between the words.

"Being that I changed into a dragon it might explain why I've always been able to bend wild magic to my taste as dragons are masters of wild magic."

"Mystery.... You are an elemental with wild magic."

"I know but I rarely use it, I am unaware how I even healed the lightest of wounds right now, I think it were my emotions that dictated my success, unwilling to lose a brother." I passed a hand on my face.

"That's why your door could be locked without me feeling your magic at play."

"Yeah a wild sigil right under the doorknob keeping it closed, I also used it when we left for the woodlands, enchanting the carriage with a spell to protect those inside, I used it to create the magic in my beads but it is rusty as I avoid it most of the time."

"I was right in never believing you were just a powerful mage but instead someone very special indeed."

"I gue--" There was a huge boom.

We looked over at prince Eleric that had leaned against the wall and it gave away revealing more to the room then we first thought.

"Brother are you alright?" The younger prince helped him up as we stepped to the hole, the hallways he revealed going on into darkness.

I stepped in lighting the trail of fire behind my heels.

"What? This doesn't make sense, why is this here?" Audrey said loudly, looking at the murals telling a story none of us knew off.

"Mystery." Em asked, limping slightly but following.

"I guess this is why I can read ancient dragon and understand today's dragon... Because I somehow am one." I said lifting my hand and sparking magic through the whole hallway to turned the crystal torches on as the ancient dragon text came alive in a bright silver.

"This is weird." Calypso whispered, staring at the drawings.

"Long ago." I started reading out loud as I walked forwards. "The young race of men was frail and weak, to help them grow prosperous two twin brothers were chosen to be taught the art of magic, Merlin and Aurelius, the two boys showed incredible talent shaping the magic."

"But Merlin was an elemental." Leo whispered, cutting me off and getting shushed by Amalia.

"Merlin excelled at it and was prestigious, his brother not so much and he hated it."

"Oh this means vengeance." Leo whispered and I glared back at him. "Sorry sorry.... Go on."

"Despite both being on the same level Merlin was somehow always the best, the younger brother's hate seething deep inside of him and growing into a dark force that enveloped his heart.

Soon the brothers left their masters and went on teaching their own students, Merlin was righteous and rule abiding but his brother turned his hate into furry, teaching the prohibited to humans.

Soon the other races realized their mistake as humans from all over grew in power and grew thirsty for land, killing.

Merlin learning of this fear and turned to the dragons for help, through a meeting unknown both races bound their fates together, to fight side by side if war was too come.

Unfortunately the younger brother had sank too deep in his hate, making his own brother and humans believe the creatures wanted them dead while inciting all the creatures that humans would come and steal their land, kill their men and take their woman and children. If he wasn't the best now he'd kill everyone stronger then him to get to his goal.

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