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I finished my apple without leaving rest of it, seeds tucked in my pouch and the stem being the only thing I threw away.

I sighed softly, I am sure Belladonna also sense the poison but I did it first. A second later and goodbye your Highness, I don't think we'd have been able to make a new batch of antidote because I am sure if the poison was swapped, the thing to cure it was too.

I wonder why he did this and if this was a one off accident, an act from one person that didn't want her on the throne.

I sighed again, heading to my calm corner.

The giant elm stood in the middle of what was called dragon's garden, the tail off the beast having lain around the base of it and got covered with dirt creating a circle of mound on which were planted hedges and inside trees, a fountain as the foot of the elm.

I brushed my hand across the rough bark of it before instinctively finding the bark growth I could hook my fingers in like a handle and jumped a bit, reach the other up, pulling myself on the lowest branch and then hopping from one to the next, the branches and leaves shifting to give me a platform when my foot would have landed on nothing, going up in spiral to my favorite spot and sat down, making myself comfortable against the tree.

While it whispered to me stories of warrior queens and mages of old, I stared up through the leaves at the sky, it's sooth voice lulling me into sleep.

A dream haunted by the screams of men and rage of dragons but it was only sounds, I could only hear the sound of war raging.

I opened my eyes in confusion, I had a feeling that dream was more than it appeared to be but I was missing to many pieces of this potential puzzle to solve.

I sat up to see I had been moved down to the lowest and thickest branch of the elm, it does this when I fall asleep in its higher branches.

I looked around and at least two slices of sun remained so I sighed and laid on my stomach.

What I didn't expect to find was the Highness sitting on the edge of the white marble fountain with more of a sad look then when I first looked at her.

"What troubles you Highness?" I asked, pushing myself on my elbows.

She jumped slightly, not likely not expecting me here.

"Oh heavens, mage Mystery how long have you been there?" She said, standing up from the fountain edge.

I rolled off the branch and landed crouching on the root with a hand set down on it before I stood straight.

"I've been here since the poison incident, I am not a big adept at social interactions."

"yes my mother mentioned something about your withdrawn and mysterious nature"

"That's where my name comes from Highness." I said walking down to her level and off the root.

"Mystery isn't your name?" She knows some things but still lacks knowledge in other.

"It isn't, only guard Betelwan might know it as we originate from the same part of the land but even then I was a quiet child so he might just remember one of my nicknames."

"And what was it? The nickname, if I may ask."


"Ah yes fits."

"What troubles you Highness? My eyes might be those of a dragon but it is yours that are saddened."

"What? Don't worry mage Mystery all is good." But I knew it wasn't I even had a small idea what was but nodded anyway.

"Want to ride with me?"

"Gladly, wait for me at the stables."

"Will do your Highness."

While walking passed the training field of the guards towards the stables I saw Em train alongside them, it wasn't an unusual sight, we were the first and last line of defense between the enemies of the queendom and the royal family itself, not only does our magic need to be sharp and on point but also our bodies and skills, we need to be able to evacuate and hide the royal family if the queendom was to ever fall.

I passed the stable boy going to get my mare myself, she was iffy to deal with.

"Hello Arial." I gently called the horse, the name meaning 'courage' in elivsh which I was taught to speak here. She was a really intelligent horse, she had galloped back from a battlefield, struck with blade and spear, pushing her way back her with a parchment in between her teeth, the one thing signalling the fall of the king and his platoon.

I was a sucker for animals as I had an easy time communicating with their souls, the queen mourned the death of her husband while I spent my little time to give with the dying horse.

It was a miracle when first saw her walking over to greet me at the stable gate instead of the depressed and hurt look in her eyes and she slowly healed.

She'd have been put down if it wasn't for the fact she took to me and healed from wounds she should have never, if the king would be alive he'd laugh at how I stole his horse's love, he was a nice man, the more lenient of the two rulers.

I didn't really like owning so much that usually only the royals had, a war horse that was once king's and the dragon stone gems, not even Belladonna had these privileges but I guess they want to decorate the most renown of us, that being me, because of how the insignia fits me well.

"Arial come on we are going riding a bit with the Highness Audrey." She neighed softly and pushed her head against my chest when I opened her box's door, shoving me back several time. "Easy girl I don't have food on me." She huffed, stomped her hoof and shook her head. "Behave and I'll get you a whole head of lettuce deal?" She neighed. "A deal it is, well come on."

I put the bridle on her and lead her outside where the sun made her beautiful golden brown coat shimmer, her lower legs and muzzle a pristine white with a star on her forehead, her ears, mane and tail a deep dark almost black brown.

"You are just so beautiful Arial." I smiled rubbing down her forehead as I tied the reins around the fence planted right next to the stable for this purpose as I went inside to get her saddle and saddled her up before untying her and pulled myself on her with the help of the stirrup.

I made her do a few trots around the stable to ease her into this.

I heard another horse's hoofs clap against the flattened dirt after many generations of guards being trained here.

the horse was the same shade as mine in the golden brown and black without the white parts.

On top sat the princess in black trousers which I have never seen on her outside of the training with the guards, she usually wore dresses, some riding boots without the spiked wheel on the heels like some people had, on top I could only guess it was a dark green long sleeved undershirt peeking out of under the pale light green tunic, her hair braided up and circlet left behind.

"Ready Highness?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"Of course."

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