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"And how do we hunt this spirit again?" Audrey asked, tailing me.

"That is the simple part." I said, holding the box with one hand and her hand tightly in the other.


"It will come back for you."

"So I am bait?"

"Unfortunately yes."


"I need to gather what is needed for the sealing of the spirit and you cannot let go of me got it? No matter what it tries or what happens you hold on my hand."


"That's the only shield you have against the spirit."


"As you know wild magic is like water, inside everything even if they can't channel it, a spirit like this is pure wild magic, all ghostly spirits are, elementals are the only creatures alive producing their own magic power from the inside, that spirit cannot hurt me magically because my magic isn't wild but yours is so it could possess you, holding my hand ensures I have a grasp on what magic is inside of you."

"So your telling me I have elemental magic right now?"

"You could look at this that way, unfortunately despite this protection I can only send to spirit away for a short time before it attacks."

"How short?"

"Now!!" I yanked her down with me as the spirit screeched through the air and landed, looking like a hunting hound but its eyes and maw glowed a bright green and its paws weren't connected to it's body. "Take it, do not let it damage the box!" I gave it to the princess and set the spirit ablaze, it weakened it to none corporeal levels but it would come back.

I sprinted while calling my nearest mage for help.

"What is it?!" I almost ran face first into Calypso, I smiled as this was better then all I could call.

"Salt, chalk, six red candles, water and incense!" Was all I spat at her. "The astrology room." I finished, running passed her. "A dybbuk box!" I yelled before turning the corner and making my way there.

The spirit came out in front of me and knocked me down, my hand grabbing its throat to keep it from biting into my face.

The princess got yanked over too since that's all I thought off, to not let her go.

"You mutt!" She kicked it off me and I disabled it for now with fire again. " You alright?"

"I am fine but we must hurry, the longer it is out the stronger it gets." And with me holding back my magic who knows how much longer I have before hurting myself. "Is the box intact?"

"Of course, do you think she'll get what's needed?"

"She'll be there before us even, already setting up."

"How do you know?"

"Her home country is far more spiritual then Solor so she has practice quickly setting up."

The room we were heading too didn't seem that far in normal times but when now you had a demon dog appearing every few seconds it was a long sprint.

I ducked as I saw Calypso again and she blasted ice my way, I knew the spirit was behind me by reflex since she wouldn't attack me otherwise.

She slammed the door shut but the spirit came through and was relentless in its attacks which she took up the role of killing as I was to finish the set up.

There was a three concentric circles drawn with chalk on the black marble, sigils drawn on the ground in the circles with salt with five candles in a pentagram.

"You'll need to trust me." I told Audrey as with a kick of my foot a fire ball raced across the wicks of five candles, the sixth in my hand now.

"I always do."

"You need to stand in the middle of the circles and when the spirits rushes you, you need to open the box so it runs into it without it having chance to avoid it, then you need to keep it closed, you cannot let it escape again before we tell you you can let it go."

"You'll let me go?"

"It is a must not a want, trust me it is the only way."

"Fine but if I do die I'll haunt you."

"Then lets not let you die."

"Hurry up I can't keep this up!" Calypso yelled, the spirit not vanishing anymore, just knocked back.

"Right." She stepped in the middle of the circle and I nodded with a smile as she looked scared.

"Calypso!" I yelled as I yanked myself away from over the circles and she dropped to the ground, the hound going after its true victim.

Catching the beast was easy as it jumped and from there she just needed to close the box, now came the harder part.

I set the final candle ablaze and sent it down on in front of me as Audrey was knocked against the invisible wall that was created when that last candle was lit before bringing her to the ground, the box itself trashing in her hold and trying to open again.

I worried but I need to trust her too.

I kneeled down in front of a point of the pentagram with the sixth candle set off next to me, hand out by my side and facing the circle, wanting to just rush in there as the box lifted her off the ground and slammed her down.

The salt sigils started to glow a golden light as the candles flame shifted to blue and grew in size, all of them starting to tilt to the left as a strong wind picked up.

I heard Calypso stand behind me, hands on my shoulder as she recited to sealing spell over and over in a loop, the golden salt flying up towards the left and soon it was spinning like raging wind inside the barrier, wind wiping my own hair around.

I opened my eyes and slammed my palms together, yelling the last line of the seal from the top of my lungs.

The golden salt rushing at the box and ripping it from Audrey's hands, pelting the raging, screeching box as the golden light was blinding us all.
The salt stuck to it before it faded away and fell to the ground like nothing happened, wind all gone along with the screeching.

I fell forth on my hands, panting as if I had ran miles upon miles as Calypso grabbed the sixth candle and entered the circle to finish the seal, using the little grasp she had on fire magic to quicken its melting and covering the top and the seam of the box with it before cooling the wax down.

"Are you alright Mystery? Usually it take at least three people to do it." Calypso said, holding the box as she kneeled by me and laid a hand on my shoulder. I nodded without raising my head for a while and taking a deep breath.

I lifted my head and took like two steps on my knees to get close to Audrey and just hugged her.

She didn't have to be told twice to huge back.

No words were exchanged we were just happy this was over.

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