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"Highness please listen to-" Door slam. "Me..." I sighed, letting my head thump against the door, there was just no way of catching her without intruding on the barriers she put up and I just didn't want to force her. "Please Highness."

"Go away mage, I do not wish to speak with you."

"I.... Right" I walked off, this was my second try today.

I was still unsure of my feelings but if I didn't have the chance to get to understand them how will I be sure.

Or maybe I already know and this is why I am chasing her to explain?

Maybe I am worried for her safety?

Maybe I worry for her emotions?

I don't even know that anymore.

I avoided my fellow mages for the rest of the day, searching comfort in my tree friend, it would judge or treat me differently.

The song sang as its leaves rustled lulled me away to the land dreams.

"Ah love is a troublesome thing isn't it Mystery?" I yet again dreamed of this man with purple eyes, yet again sitting on the tree, yet again with my back to his front and him hugging me like an old friend would and I still didn't remember him.

"Very." I whispered. "Is the princess really our only chance against whatever comes?"

"Yes Mystery."

"It must be that void."

"Yes but be careful Mystery, now you too are a target."

"I know, a Shade got me but how can I fight an enemy I don't see?"

"Just prepare, he'll show himself when he thinks the time is right, stand strong until than and you'll get your answers."

"Not all those I would want tho."

"Ah yes, woman are complicated but there is something all love."

"And what would that be?"


"You want me to go apologize to princess with flowers?"

"Not apologize but tell her the truth, trust me it will hurt no one more than you two to leave this up in the air like it is, you already know how you feel."

"I sure do..."

"You really do, were you really just fascinated by her training forms and intelligence when you spied her before officially meeting? Do you really feel just like a mage and her queen? Don't you see all she did to try to judge if you felt the same from your reactions?.... Wasn't there a challenge issued between you two?"

"To guess all my secrets."

"She wants to get to know you Mystery, not what image you portray and she is already in deep in the maze of defenses you set up then any other individual but the elm under us."

"What does that mean for me?"

"You aren't fighting against it.... Look deep in yourself and you'll have your answer, now wake up, the night is new and you have a princess to serenade."

"I'm not going to serenade--" I said but noticed I had woken up so I sighed and didn't finish the sentence, I'm not going to serenade her.... Or should I?.... Should I? I don't have much to lose.

I walked myself to right under her window and up the wall with the help of the vines.

She had her arms crossed and her face resting on them.

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