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"Are you alright Mystery?" I looked up from the satchel I hung on Arial's saddle.

"I am as fine as I can be Audrey." I sighed softly through my nose.

"Alright but as you say to me, if something troubles you you can tell me, I have also lost a father, I know how it feels."

"At least he'll join mother up in the stars." I pointed at the still blue sky that would become dark and starry at night.

"Right but if the burden is heavy I'll help carry it alright?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Are you ready?" Em asked, ridding up a black horse with white legs and muzzle up to us with Betelwan on his all dark brown horse.

"Yeah we are." Audrey said as I nodded, each getting on our own horses. 

I rode in front with Betelwan, Audrey's horse walking behind but between ours and Em behind her's, keeping her in the middle of us three as we two lead the way to our old home.

Em and Betelwan took the shifts for the first night guard, the way to that village was just as long as to the woodlands so we'd have one day to spare on the seven given, it took so long as we needed to make our way through mountains and we couldn't hurry ourselves without risks.

Despite winter still being far this far up a thin layer of snow always remained on the ground and in the pin trees, Em and Audrey put on their capes while this wasn't yet cold for Betelwan and I, we wouldn't go undressing it was too cold for that but we didn't need to add of anything, we grew up here and even if we left years ago being born in this climate always stays with you.

We heard the wild life but it never bothered us as we didn't bother is, wolves, lynxes, malamars, you name it, they all lived this far up as their coats of fur kept them warm enough to survive with hare and small furry animals used to this. 

Me and Em shared the second night off guard duty and the third it was Betelwan and Em.

On the dawn of the fourth day we finally made it over the crest of the mountain and the small village came into view by the horizon.

As we approached, the people came to see what was up.

I might not have been here in more than ten years but a girl with silver hair and dragon eyes is hard to forget.

From their gazes I knew they recognized me like how I recognized them, every last one of their names in my head. There were a few new faces in the kids of course but I still knew most of them.

"I was told my father didn't have much time." I said after jumping off Arial and walking up to the man that was the chief of the village.

"He won't make it much longer I am afraid Flames." That was what everyone called me, I don't think most ever really learned my real name, hearing everyone call me that so even here my name was a secret but unintentionally this time.

"I feared as such." I sighed as he laid a rough hand on my shoulder.

"You grew in a nice young woman and your actions precedes you.... Silver dragon." I smiled softly.

"You think he'd be proud?"

"He was proud from the day you were born and you know it but lets go see him in person right?.... Welcome home Flames."

"Nice to be back."

The others got off their horses as Betelwan lead them off to the stables, I wonder if they still stand in the same place as I see a few more houses.

My three comrades followed after me as I walked following the chief, people staring at us through windows and from behind books, most whispering about me popping up back here after so many years.

I looked at the well and saw a few people staring down it, I knew it was frozen, that had always been a problem.

I waves hand and a flame ball raced down into the well and with a soft blast, thawed out the water.

"Put this in a bucket you lower in after shaking it and it will melt the ice, shake it again and the magical waves shall stop, it doesn't heat up." I handed the chief a fist sized orb of solid magic I just made while he stared at the well, most likely remembering all the times I did this.

"Thank you." He said, taking it from my hand, it looked like a glass ball with a red hue to it but he trusted my powers when I was little so he'd trust me today too.

He opened my old house door and lead us down a hallways, stopping in front of a door.

"He awaits." He said and I nodded, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned back.

"We'll wait outside, take your time." Em said before pulling his hand away, the others nodding in agreement and left me alone here.

I took a deep breath and sighed before knocking on the door.

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