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Happy to say we did cut some of the competition with this trial.

Right now I was walking the grassy plains inside the castle to where I had been summoned.

The vines wrapping up my legs without me stopping and it was like I walked up a none existent staircase, knocking on the shutters.

"You came!" The princess said all existed when she opened them, narrowly avoiding me as the vines pulled me back.

"Why wouldn't I?" I said, stepping on the sill the the vines let me go, heels hanging over nothing.

"I thought maybe you'd wish to sleep early to be sure you were at your best tomorrow."

"I can still sleep well don't worry your head princess." I hopped into the room.

I looked around the room more, never really paying a lot of attention to it before, it was bigger than mine that's for sure but seemed to have less in it.

The bedside table and the bed were the closest to the window with a bookshelf on the opposite was with an armchair in the corner. Next to the shelf on the other side was a big chest for who knows was and a dresser with a mirror on top.
The wall in front of me had the wardrobe. There was was a small desk pushed up next to the armchair and that was all the furniture, there was a royal red carpet covering the ground and let me slightly sink in it. all had hues of red with white accents and gold, fitting but green showed of her eyes more.

"A nice place princess, my room is quite tern in colors, greys and browns."

"Thank you, chose the colors myself."

"Good taste.... So why did you ask for me princess?"

"For this." She clapped her hands twice and too my surprise the door by the wardrobe opened and servants carried in a coffee table with food before leaving.

"They were waiting behind the door all that time?"

"They sure were."

"Even if you weren't sure I'd come?"

"Exactly, now I know you didn't eat as I didn't see you at the feast so set your behind down and eat because I'm not going to have you hunger because of your dislike of being in social situations." I rolled my eyes in amusement as she crossed her arms, trying to seem serious but she couldn't keep the face up, I kneed down by the table to please her and she smiled as I complied.

"What can I say? If each time supper will be shared with everyone together I find being hungry until morning a good price for not seeing them." I said as she sat crisscross on the other side of the table. "And how did you get so much, the chef wouldn't be happy."

"Don't worry, it's all rests that weren't touched, made sure off it." She said, picking up a strawberry and popping it in her mouth.

"Good to know, well thanks for this."

"You don't eat meat?" She asked, seeing I avoided the plate with it.


"Why so?"

"That would be a secret revealed princess."

"A big secret?"

"No since you technically know about part of it already."

"So you'd be willing to say?"

"Just because you already know of me talking to the elm."

"Oh I get it, you can do it with animals too."

"Yes, their soul is by far more complex and emotive while trees and plants have simple ones, much simpler then animals, Arial's soul often talks of the horrors of war and the beauty of peace. They don't direct their thoughts to speak but they still do while a plant wouldn't be able of such thought, I can accept others eating meat as such is life but I avoid it if possible."

"Fascinating." She laced her fingers together and rested her elbows on the table while resting her chin on her fingers, the magical flame inside the crystal torch casting a soft red glow on her face.

I looked away slightly with a smile.

"It sure is, plants and animals are what first kept me interested in this."


"The art of magic."

"Ah yes indeed." She pushed the plates away and set a red velvet cake slice on the table that I have no idea where it came from, white frosting on the top and between the layers, strawberry pieces inside the frosting. "All yours." She held a long fork to me which I took.

"You can't tell me this was given to the competitors Highness."

"True it wasn't, came from my family's supper, saved you a slice."

"You are too nice too me."

"You agreed to try this courting thing, I have the right to do it back."


"So as a court mage I assume you knew most about me without having met."

"That is indeed true, I need to able to cater to my future queen."

"Alright but I know so little about you."

"Ask away princess, we'll see if you get a response." She laughed softly covering her mouth before straightening herself and dropping her arms off the table.

"You and the enigma you are." She shook her head with a smile. "Just you wait, I'll get to the bottom of it."

"Free to try and free to fail, the stage is yours." I said, forking a small piece of the slice of cake and started eating it.

"Alright, I wondered about that." she poked the visible tattoo on my left arm. "Neither of the other mages wear ink under their skin and you have several."

"Did you look at me passed out half naked with only my binds around my chest when we were by the elves?"

"You saying this that way isn't helpful." She said, trying too look offended but the bright red cheeks betrayed her.

"Don't worry princess I had already assumed that much had happened, this one you can see represents me making a field yield food when winter was about to set in for the first time with magic, the one on my back and the one on my chest is monsters I killed, everyone in my village got inked to mark their achievements and these are mine."

"How young were you?"

"I left that place at six."

"My gods, so strong and yet so young."

"Any other questions princess? Or was that all?" I asked, pointing the fork at her with a raised eyebrow, my last piece of cake on it and was about to pull it away.

I froze in shock as she leaned forwards and bit down on it before leaning back.

"Hmm this cake has always been my favorite." She said with a smile as the fork hung between my fingers, ready to fall out from between them as my mouth hung open slightly, eyes wide and brows far up my forehead, my cheeks felt warm so I guess I was flustered again which I never usually did, the few times I did it was her that got this reaction out of me.

"That was my piece." Was all I found to say as I pulled my arm and the fork back to my side of the table, dropping the utensil on the plate.

"Well to bad as it is mine now." She smiled at me. "Being flustered suits you well."

"Could say the same to you Highness." I set my hands on my knees.

"Oh please when it is just us two please say Audrey, I preferred hearing you say it at the Inn over any of the Highness and princess' you called me, the accent of your home village still present as I can't place it in the dialect of any others I know off."

"I suppose if you want me to call you... Audrey, I'd appreciate you going with my given name too tho I had heard you call me it several times already."

"It just slipped but I don't regret it Mys~te~ry." She said, separating all the syllables in my name with a sing-songy voice at the end, I cleared my throat quietly and swallowed a strawberry I snatched off the table.

"So.... Audrey, any more questions?"

"Many Mystery, many."

And I don't know how long I stayed in her company but I wouldn't regret the missed sleep that night, never.

.Elementals.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora