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I was in the arms of a man, a man I didn't know, face old yet barely marked by time, eyes burning a dark purple.

"Be ready, this is just the start of his bigger plan." He said, I felt comfortable like this, he was a stranger and yet wasn't, as if I had met him before and that this hold was normal.

"Who? Who's plan? What can I do? Who are you?"

"All will reveal itself to you in time."

And I woke from my nap on the root of the elm by hearing my name be called.

"I knew I could find you here mage." I sat up, knees bent and my arms resting on them straight.

"Highness." I bowed my head. "Some troubles yet again?"

"Why you say that?"

"You usually cross paths with me when troubled and come find comfort in the dragon's garden, a place I enjoy spending time in."

"I have trouble thinking you are younger than me."

"What does it have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything, you are mature, willing to help, console and protect. Many things people so young wouldn't think off, now I know as mage you are taught these values but I can tell even if you weren't you'd have those traits... And no, ease your worries as I have none that are my own, I just was in search for you."

"Well what can I help you with Highness?"

"I came to escape my cousin Ethan before caught me."

Prince Ethan was a man that prince Eleric was the opposite off, he was a war forged, misogynistic man, his parents died young and he grew up here but he spent a lot of time away and came by really rarely, as rarely as he could but now that the trials were to come he needed to stay as he could participate as many monarchs still married between cousins in some parts of the lands, more rare here tho.

The queen knew of the man he had become but didn't send him away or anything, she kept her friends close but enemies and potential enemies closer.

"I am sure he'd have just talked about his noble act of war and how he'd be a great and famous king if he ruled while forgetting to mention you'd be the queen Highness."

"That's him without a fault."

"Well you came to the right place, he wouldn't come to this place, to simple and pointless in his eyes."

"And I knew you'd probably be here to keep me company."

I smiled, thinking of something.

"Well what can I say the old elm is a dear friend of mine." No use to talk of it as if I didn't understand it, the princess wasn't stupid and would remember finding out I talked to it since she would never drop trying to figure me out.

"I wish I could hear it as you do instead of this occurrence we called the void that I am looking for and we have no archives about since purple eyes are rare and it might be only purple eyes that have this power."

"Maybe I could help out Highness, would be faster and who knows, people have ways of loosing words through magic."

"How would that even work?"

"If you wrote with magic, it could only be seen when supplied with magic, that's why many mage teachings look like blank books, to keep the common people from reading into it if they get their hands on them."

"Clever trick."


"So many things us simple people miss out upon."

"Can I show you something Highness? But you must trust me."

"Oh? Are you about to kidnap me?"

"No, I won't give reason to the servants outlandish worries." She laughed at that, like bell chimes in the wind.

"Why yes, I trust you mage and you've proved me more times than needed I could trust you with my life." I got too my feet, crouching as I held my hand out to her.

"Grab on Highness."

She grabbed my forearm and I did hers, pulling her up the big root I was on.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I didn't let her go, holding on tighter even to have a secure grip for sure.

"Up." Was all I said, pulling her after me as I stepped into the empty air before a branch pushed under my foot to support me and jogged up the spiral around the tree like I usually do but this time pulling someone with me. "Careful now, the elm will catch you if you fall but I do not wish that for you." I said when I arrived on my favorite branch and freed her from my grip.

"Impressive." she said, I heard the edge of worry in her voice.

I waved my arms out and the leaves pulled away, leaving the clear view of the sun setting over the mountains painting the land in a golden orange glow.

"This is...."

"Pretty right?"

"It is." I gazed at her from the sunset and frowned slightly. 

"Am I blocking the view Highness? I can move."

"What? Oh, oh no all is good mage, perfect even."

"Alright than."

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