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"One you leave your room and two you find a mystery door in the elm's bark and tumble down the stairs did I get it right?" Belladonna asked.

"Yeah." Every mage was here even the queen as there was a secret door in the tree that was so old it shouldn't have, she'd be surprised about the archives under the castle but that can wait.

"By the gods Mystery." She sighed as I shrugged.

"Have any of you read of this place?" Calypso asked, having brought the crystal torches and they were set around the room so we could see it all.

The walls were straight from ground to up by twice my size before they domed because of the tree's roots, the walls covered in old and faded but still visible depictions of the old stories of the great war against humanity with dragons by their side.

A silver dragon was painted in a way that it circled the whole wall and its head stopped by its tail, I couldn't tell if it was the dragon I had seen when I died, just too faded for that.

"Someone immortalized the story and hid it without telling about it to anyone but why?" Leo whispered.

"Maybe to keep us safe." The queen walked down the stairs.

"How so mother?" Audrey asked, she was standing by me, holding my hand.

"Most look at this story as a legend, few believe it truly happened, we could even say our family it the only one remembering the stories as it should be and because of that."

The man drawn with flames spewing from his hand and eyes that had a crown on his head was none other then who became the tree, the first elemental, Merlin, even just thinking of his name made me almost nostalgic that one man let me live my life I have today.... But one thing stuck out.

"Purple gemstones." I whispered, his eyes were made of masterfully cut purple gems that refracted the just in the right way to concentrate in on his chest.

"What could that mean tho?" Amalia said, pointing at point of light. "They were crafted to do this on purpose no matter what angle the light comes from."

"I think it is the void." I said, only Amalia had felt the void with me. "I think that represents your power Audrey."

"Wait what?" Em asked.

"Yeah as her Majesty can produce and intimidation aura, princess Audrey can create something we call void, the total absence of magic, sucking the magic into a small void that she fells right in her chest and the magic vanishes, she was at least a good few yards away from me and I still felt the dip in magic." Amalia said.

"And being right with her I saw a magic creature be torn to shred and get sucked into the void, part of my own magic getting caught in it's grasp, it is really powerful." I added on.

"And we have no idea how I could harvest this, not even the elves found anything on it in their archives, but we are sure someone knows of what it does and how to use it, since that's why they are trying to kill me." Audrey said with a sigh.

"So it all comes back to being purple eyed, an innate grasp on the most dangerous magic in existence, the lack of it, the void." The queen said with a hand under her chin as she thought. "That must be why purple eyes are seen as gods, as long as they control their power no magic can ever affect them, that would also give them a reason to hide it and keep no archives of what it can do, passed mouth to mouth but this time it was forgotten to time."

I stepped forwards and touched the spot the light converged to.

"Euh people?" I said, vines of silver sparking magic started the crawl out from under my hand and climb the wall. "I am not using magic." I said looking at Belladonna, knowing she'd feel it the most that I wasn't.

"I think its the fact that you have strong magic, stronger then the rest, that makes it react, do not move." She said and I nodded.

Slowly they turned into letters.

"Mystery..." Audrey said, recognizing them, that old dialect of dragon tongue I read once.

"Darkness slumbers in the deep, but it shall try complete its deed. From its slumber it will rise, to try to destroy the purple eyes. A silver dragon shall awaken, for in this battle it shall partaken. Old enemy and new foe, a battle started long ago. It will cause annihilation with it's invasion. Purple and silver shall fight together to stop it from going... Further." I whispered the last word, pulling my hand away and the writing was gone.

"It is almost..."

"Yeah." I answered her without her needing to end it, the same prophecy given by the dead dragon.

"It seems like you two are bound by fate." I looked at the queen. "We need to discover what this void is as soon as possible before this darkness were to awaken."

We all nodded, blissfully unaware.

.Elementals.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя