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I started laughing really hard, so hard I couldn't breath but just as fast as the hilarity came so fast has it left me as no one else laughed.

"Wait you can't be serious... I am human.... I had a human mother, a human father.... I turned into a dragon and not of any kind but a'silver' one? A whole silver dragon?"

"I wouldn't joke about this." Belladonna said as I stared at her.

"One moment please." I said with a smile before fainting from shock.

I opened my eyes in a place I saw once looking at familiar eyes.

"You aren't a dragon guarding death are you?" I asked softly, my red eyes looking into its own as it sat before me

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"You aren't a dragon guarding death are you?" I asked softly, my red eyes looking into its own as it sat before me. "You aren't some force at the gates of death that saved me... You are me."

"You are already speaking like this while you looked ready to argue when awake."

"Because I didn't have you in front of me... Because it didn't feel real to hear her say that.... But seeing you? I remember seeing through your eyes, flapping your wings, arching your neck, spitting your flames, all is coming back and my own memories can't lie to me."

"You are wise despite how young you are."

"You are older then me aren't you?"

"By many years Mystery, many many years, I was there when you first came to be and waited until now, when you had no more strength to fight alone, no more strength left in you to have the magic bind me away from you, I reached through and freed myself and you alongside me."

"How can you be so much older if we are one?"

"That will be told by them."


"Don't worry your little head, the truth is around the corner."

"Right.... What will become of us now?"

"You either accept me as part of you fully or I'll be forgotten again, buried too deep under your magic to emerge like this again."

"This explains many things..... My abilities.... My eyes.... My hair.... But how..."

"Again, they will tell you."

"Alright, I'll trust you.... If I accept you this, the two of us, it will be no more will it?"

"No, we'll be one once again, not two sides of the same coin but the same coin itself, you'll be me and I'll be you."

"I'd..... I'd wish to be whole again." I held out my hand.

"Good choice." It used its paw to grip my hand slowly scales flaked away from its body. "It's good to be whole again." This went on until the dragon was gone and whirl winds of scales surrounded me as it glowed brightly before fading to black as I faded away too.

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