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(fits Audrey and Mystery doesn't it?)

I looked at the silvery scales on my skin shimmering as I passed my arm through the dragons flame.

"And that's your answer youngling, they will appear by themselves, you don't need to think of it."

I nodded and winced with a small exclamation as Audrey casually pulled a scale out it is it was nothing to look at it, when my skin turned back to normal I had a scale shaped hole on the top layer of my skin, slightly red from it being pulled off.


"Hello?" She said looking at me.

"Audrey I didn't mean that!"

"I know." She laughed. "Couldn't help it."

"You are a human from birth unlike your mother, you scales are easy to pull from your human skin." the dragon huffed amused by this.

"How much scales does it take for a sword? I have one made of silver scales."

"As you see youngling the one the human princess holds is really thin, almost see through, dragon scales are from two to three time thicker but still thin so it took a lot, it took them several years to gather enough for a big enough blade."

"So they really put a lot of time into that gift." I nodded at his words, they really did.... It just hurt more that they were gone....

"How do I exactly learn how to become a dragon? She said it was like another muscle."

"Youngling from her words what I gathered is that it felt like ice slowing and freezing her veins as her form compressed down, magic forcing her scales to change to skin and bones of her tail and wings to melt away, her body dissolved into magic and filled the small human body."

"So it was painful for her to become a human?" I didn't like the idea of my mother suffering each time she changed.

"From human to dragon and from dragon to human, the existing spell nowadays expels the magic out of a dragon's body as they become a human with dust being all that's left behind and magic sucked in from around them to become a dragon to avoid that unfortunate happening."

"Wow she must have loved him a lot to put up with that for Merlin." Well said Audrey.

"She sure did human princess."

"If she felt cold and frozen each time..." I said more to myself then to the dragon I still didn't know the name of but was to far into this discussion to ask him. "If she felt cold, compressed and restricted from a dragon to human.... Should I feel warm, decompressed and free from a human to dragon? Since all my magic is already in my body and isn't being force contained inside it.... Reversing the effects could lead to the inverse? I was angry and burning up when I accidentally did it the first time."

"Possible youngling, you should try to master it by yourself, letting your magic expand into another true form of yours."


"Do you know anything about the void sire Darkian?" Oh so she asked him, must have been distracted. She twirled the silver scale in her finger and threw it like a small dart, it stabbed into the wooden shelf deeply, it was so sharp and thin that with little strength it still so dangerous.

"Ah that side of magic, or lack of it in better terms, created a huge disturbance, the wild magic to the god of the cycle of life and death, elemental magic to the god of all living but the void magic to the god of all dying, a small part if that god's role but without it our world wouldn't live. Without void the magic in our world would pile up and crush us.... All I know about it is what I experienced with the whole world while feeling it be created from nothing.... Void most manifests in negativity, from fear, anger and even jealousy, it feeds of the raw emotional energy negativity creates so if you learn to harvest it without those bindings to negativity you'll be unstoppable and I feel you aren't wasting time."

"Yes, Mystery here give me this Wither My Way flower, that helps."

"Wither Away not Wither My Way, you'll never get it will you?" I joked.

"That is a masterful idea youngling, once the flower beaten the void will be within your grasp human princess."

"Good to know."

"Now we've been exchanging for slivers upon slivers of sun my dear younglings, have you gotten your fill of answers today? Long are the days for the likes of me."

I might have had a few questions but I nodded, I don't want to overexert him, he is extremely old even for a dragon. Audrey did probably have the same idea as neither of us said anything to which he nodded, taking it as his cue to leave us.

We watched him sink into his books again, from higher up we would have seen him but from the foot of the book hill we couldn't, with one last look we made our way out.

We decided to stick around in further part of the library, of in the left wing behind another door, to be sure no noise from our doings would disturb Drak--sire dragon, I forgot his name again.

"They sure do have books about all." Audrey said after a while, disturbing my readings about Sire Shafter the black knight and his feats, a captivating retelling of his life but not as captivating as she was so I set the book down upside down but open on the nearest table to not lose the page. "From recipes to antic rituals to call forth the soul of the wind or even how to...." She gave me a look, as if she believed I would have some problem understanding whatever she was not saying out loud.

"Show me what seems to bug you." I took her book and read into it a few words before looking at her concerned and closing it to read the title. "The..... The holy book of pleasing your significant other?" I asked almost incredulously.

"You're the prude one, it is just an educational book."

"And you the one with an unconstrained libido."

"So you aren't as clueless as you seem to be."

"A better wording of at would be there are times where you aren't discrete with your thoughts even if they still remain just that, thoughts."

"Oy shut up." I almost laughed as she seemed more offended at her lack of discretion instead of me saying she couldn't keep it in her pants.
I let her take the book from my hands but I didn't await her not stopping in her movement and chuck it on the table where I set my own book down instead of opening it again, a hand reaching up and grabbing the front of my corset to yank down to her level.

oh ho.

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