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Along our walk through the underground I did indeed not put my corset on nor my undershirt, I didn't care for the gawking of the people as we were directed to underground castle carved into the wall.

I wasn't that self conscious about any scars or black markings on my body, I'd even proudly show it off since they showcase what I did.

Tho Audrey was the only on able to make me self conscious to an uncomfortable degree.

"This is big." Audrey said as we stepped inside the simple door right into a huge great hall with shiny dirty red marble floors.

"Huge even, could fit a dragon." I told her.

Two guards pushed open a gate after a disapproving glance at my attire.

There was a deep red carpet leading to the throne carved out of ore, the matte grey stone having gems littered around the surface of it.

"Excuse my attire king of halfmen but I assume you are not ill informed about my almost fate." I spoke out of turn as I wasn't called upon to speak but technically I am a queen too tho not yet.

He gave me a look, not of angry contempt but almost bemusement shining through his thick deep brown beard, color matching his hair but not his light brown eyes, as armored up in studded leather armor as the rest of the halfmen with a horned headpiece from bronze and iron.

"You match your mother's charms."

"You knew Seraphim?" It still stung to speak of her.

"Not personally but the silver queen was not forgotten by my people."

"You did better at remembering the human's ally then the humans did." I sighed.

"That's probably true, what brought you here in front of me? I heard many from the commander but want to hear you."

"Aurelius is out to destroy all, if we don't stop him in the next two..... In the next one and half days this will spread and will create an all out war again on Solor's land and the type he is prepared to win.... I need your assistance in fighting his army to get to him and accomplish our foretold destiny with princess Audrey."

"And why would I help?" This starts of bad.

"Your people will be the next to die after we fall, he looks for utter destruction of everything."

"We could barricade and fight him off."

"You couldn't, he is wild magic itself, he'll find a way. We need your help, the humans are already gathering."

"Then fight with the humans."

"We aren't enough, with the elves and the southern kingdoms we aren't enough, we'd never reach him in time."

"So I should let my people die in favor of those that exiled us."

"The past is the past and the future is now, you fight with us or we all perish."

"How do I know you are strong enough? And that this isn't a headless charge into an early death?"

"I will kill him, his actions lead to the loss and suffering of many people close to me and whom I need to protect as a mage, I was born to serve and protect, I will succeed."

"And if you don't?"

"Then there was no hope from the start."

He mulled over my words, a hand in his beard and eyes closed, fingers tapping across the armrest.

"I will join your cause." I smiled. "Under one condition." my smile flattered, of course... Should have guessed.

"And what would that be?"

"When the guards strike the gong to signal midnight you will face my most trusted champion, no men alive ever bested him and if you do then there is hope left to spark."

"This is insanity!" Audrey butted in. "She was injured not long ago and it would tire her out! Create more injuries! You can--" I grabbed her upper arm making her look at me in visible distress at the look I wore on my face. "You can't be agreeing to this!"

"Hey." I pulled her to me, one hand around her and resting on the small of her back and the other on her cheek. "I'll be fine, trust me."

"But.... But Mystery...." She deflated as fast as she was ready to blow.

"Trust in me Audrey."

"This is too dangerous."

"Trust me."

"I always do but this..."

"It'll be fine, you know I am not that easy to beat."

"Fine... But don't you dare get crippled.... And fuck his shit up." I chuckled at her language and nodded as I hugged her against me as she did the same before separating.

"I accept to fight the champion never beat by men... But I'll win as I am not a man but a woman." That last part was added for the jokey nature of it, I will make it reality, I cannot loose this fight, I cannot.

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