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"So what's the plan?" Amalia was the first to speak up when we all met around a big unrolled map of our queendom.

"From what we know Aurelius concentrated his troupes in the capitol, at the castle." Eleric said, finger on where the castle was on the map before tracing a circle around it with it. "This is the town, those people know what happened, outside of that the news could have spear already, in a few days the opposing king and queendomes will know of our fall and they might as well believe we died in the attack."

"So you are saying we have only a few days to prepare to avoid an all out war." I whispered. "How far are the elvish lands away from here along with Calypso's birth land?"

"At least two days for both head mage Mystery." The queen answered, displeased with that fact just like I was.

"If we are thinking of doing something we need to act today if I understand this right." Calypso said, eyeing the map. "We can reach my homeland while going around the great mountains of the Devines and I could talk the king into helping us despite the shaky feelings between your Majesty and and him."

"I do tend to forget you renounced the right for the crown to serve me dear mage." Calypso just smiled at the queen.

"Em you have elvish ancestry in your blood, you along with Amalia, whom the king already met with me, could make the way the other way and get to the elves in on our fight and Leo go with Calypso, she can't go alone, it wasn't safe before and sure isn't anymore with who knows if Aurelius can find you again." I said.

"But that leaves you alone." the younger prince said. "It would also be dangerous for you."

"I agree." Leo nodded.

"Hey why are you thinking I'm letting her go alone with whatever she wanna do?" Audrey added with crossed arms.

"I'll also help in any way I can." Eleric said.

"I would have wanted to keep you royal people out of this while we mages led this war but if I knew how to turn you away from coming with I'd already have done that." I sighed. "Eleric go with Emersme and Amalia, the elves are in good relation with us but they do not want our human wars, you could help out."

"And what could we do?" Audrey asked.

"We need to gather what armies we have left around and anyone wanting to help take back the land as in three or four days a bigger war will come if we don't stop this."

"And how head mage Mystery?"

"With her teachings she already laid the work out for me, she died for us so now we'll live for her, she made us renown and we'll use that... Plus the words that a silver dragon rose in the sky shouldn't be hard to want to pass on."

"You've changed a lot."

"Don't get me wrong your Majesty, I hate attention, always will but if it can help us in anyway I can put up a show." 

"So what after that? What after you all went around?" The youngest daughter asked, everyone looking at me since I was now the head mage I would bring the final decision like Belladonna would have.

I took a deep breath with closed eyes, this is not what I wanted of my life but I wouldn't change any twists and turns because I know I can't, the hurt and pain are important, locked deep, reserved for him alone, for everyone, for us, for her, he'll be going down.

"On the dawn of the third day." I said, eyes open, blazing with unseen fire. "We'll march upon the capitol and take back what is our home and put an and to his reign before it can begin."

"We'll all follow you." Amalia said with a smile my siblings echoed, Audrey just hugged my arm and Eleric crossed his with a smug smile almost.

"Lets show them what we are made of sister." I let Em punch my shoulder without giving it back this time.

"We shall, prepare, we live at dusk, using the night as cover."

"Right!" All said.

I sighed softly, time has come, time to prepare for the final battle is almost upon us.... Just you wait Aurelius, you'll die very soon.

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