Chapter 3

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I look around her room. It had a cozy feel to it. It was blue and her walls were pretty much blank. Her room was also pretty neat.

"You sigh a lot." Bailey jumping on her bed.

"Mhm." I say and pulled out my black laptop.

"I like your hair." she said. I logging onto my computer and checking to make sure that my music was saved.

"Mhm. I going to change it soon." I say without thinking.

"Why?" she asked. I looked up at her and glared once I realized what I said.

"None of your business. Now what are we supposed to do after we pick an event." I ask.

"Weren't you paying attention in class?" she asked.


"We're supposed to make a presentation."

"How fun." I say rolling my eyes.

We picked an event and started doing research on it. Time went by fairly quickly and Bailey kept getting distracted.

"Let's take a break." she said rolling on her back staring at the ceiling.

"Fine." I say shutting my laptop. I checked my phone and it was almost 7. I told my mom that I wasn't going to be  home until late and that they could eat dinner with out me and that I would just get something on the way home.

"Let's downstairs." Bailey said getting up and I got up as well. As we walked downstairs there was a bunch of yelling going on and when we entered the living room Peter and another dude who looked about the same age with black hair were wrestling on the ground. Adrian and another dude were cheering them on. It looked pretty brutal, Peter had a bunch of deep scratched on his arms and it looked like he was losing.

Bailey coughed and everyone stopped and looked at us. I kept a blank look on my face while the two other boys studied me. Peter and the black haired guy untangled themselves from each other and stood up and I noticed that the scratches on Peter's arms were already healed. Which was strange but I didn't have time to think about it because Bailey started to introduce the two guys.

"The guy who was wrestling with Peter is and Andrew and the guy next to Adrian is Owen who is Adrian's friend." They nodded at me and I just stared back at them.

"Dude your friend is creepy."Andrew said.

"I'm not her friend. I only came here to shut her up and for a history project." I mutter.

"Burnnn." the boys yelled laughing.

"Shut it." Bailey snapped and they all were quiet but Peter was still chuckling.

"Why are you laughing you just got beat up." Bailey snapped.

"Jeez Bails no need to be mean." Peter said.


"Hey Owen you want some food? Alex you can come too. If you're hungry." Adrian asked. I roll my eyes, thanks for including me.

"How about we all eat." Andrew said and everyone nodded in agreement. The boys went by me and Bailey but when Owen went by his hand brushed against my fingers, which were exposed because I was wearing fingerless gloves.

"No! Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything you want. Please." Owen begged. He was cornered in an alleyway by a man in black. The man didn't say anything just continued to walk closer to Owen and the he grabbed him and bit his neck. After a few seconds Adrian appeared in the alleyway and punched the man. "You bastard!" he screamed.

I pinched myself hard this time and looked around, remembering that I was at Bailey's house. There was nothing I could do to save Owen. I learned that the hard way when I first tried to save someone. I couldn't stop it, their fate was inevitable.

"Alex are you okay?" I looked at her and she had a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine. I have to go." I say quickly and go up the stairs to get my bag.

"Wait Alex why are you leaving so suddenly?" Bailey asked from the bottom of the stairs. I ignored her and kept climbing the stairs. 

"Alex." Bailey said and she was right in front of me. I looked at her surprised. How did she get up here so quickly? I scowl at her and go past her.

"Was it something I did?" she asked keeping pace with my fast walk. I enter her room and grab my bag. I turned to go out the door but Bailey was blocking it.

"Tell me what's wrong." she asked pleadingly. I look at her. It looks like she really cares.  But looks can be deceiving. I think back to Owen's death, why was that man biting him? Or maybe he wasn't and he had a knife? I don't know. But I felt bad because Owen seemed nice and Adrian sounded upset. 

"Alex?" she asks and that snaps me out of the my thoughts.

"I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. I really have to through." I say and Bailey sighs.

"Stay to eat?" she asks looking hopeful and I shake my head.

"Oh ok." she said looking disappoint and I feel a little guilty.

"Let me walk you out." she and we walked back down the big staircase. Right when we were about to walk past the kitchen carrying a spoon full of soup.

"Alex try the soup we're making." Adrian said holding the spoon out towards me.

"Stop trying to poison my friend." Bailey said with a playful glare.

"I'm not your friend." I say and Adrian takes that moment and shoves the spoon in my mouth.

"Adrian!" Bailey yelled and tackled him. The soup was horrible. What kind was it? Or were they making it from scratch?

From underneath Bailey Adrian asked "So how was it?"

"It was awful." I said bluntly and Adrian looked a little hurt.

"I worked so hard on that soup." he whined.

"Well either remake it or get takeout." I say walking away.

"Burnnn." all the guys say laughing. I rolled my eyes, opening the door.

"Your not staying?" I heard somebody call from behind me. 

"No." I say and walked out the door. I took a deep breath of the fresh air and walked to my motorcycle and drove away.

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