Chapter 10

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After awhile Aiden finally found me. He actually look pretty relieved too when he shown his light on me. We headed down to the kitchen and Ricky cheered when he saw me.

"Yay you found her Aiden." he said then turned to me "Good job Alex you won. We had no idea that that room was there. How about we play another round, I'm determined to at you now." 

Everyone laughed and we picked Bailey to seek next.  We played some more rounds until it was almost midnight. I won all of them except one which Andrew won. I was surprised.

After the last round of hide and seek an we all met I'm the kitchen after turning the lights on. 

"Well goodnight everyone, Alex and I have school tomorrow and we have to get pour sleep." Bailey announced.

I snorted. Yeah there's no way I was going to bed.

"Aw goodnight Alex."

"Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite." Ricky said with a grin and I scowled.

Bailey grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the kitchen. 

"I can walk you know." I said annoyed.

"I know." she said cheerily. We entered her room and she flopped on the bed while I crossed my arms and stood in the doorway.

"You do realize that I have no clothes right?" 

"Just borrow some of mine." she said grinning at me. She got of the bed and headed to her closet.

"What do you like to sleep in? Shorts and a t-shirt? Pants and a sweatshirt? Tank top?" she asked rustling and round.

"T-shirt and shorts. Also a sweatshirt." I said. I was grateful that she was giving me clothes to sleep in.

She tossed the clothes at me and than went into her adjoining bathroom to change. I changed as quickly as possible and put my clothes with my backpack, which I had no idea how it got up here.

I looked up as Bailey exited the bathroom. She was wearing a tank top and shorts and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked perfect. I looked away quickly trying to calm my heart that sped up as soon as I saw her.

She jumped on her bed and said "Come with me."

I turn around to face her and shake my head.

"Come on. I won't bite." 

"No. I'll sleep on the floor." I said stubbornly.

"No you will not. Come here." she said with a hint of serious in her voice that I've never heard before. 

I sighed and decided not to fight her and walked over and climbed on the bed.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Another one?"

"Why not?"

" Fine."

She turned on a laptop and put on another movie. But I wasn't really paying attention. I had to be careful. I couldn't let our skin touch. I didn't want our skin to touch. For some reason I wasn't ok with seeing how she dies. I mean I wasn't ok with seeing anyone die but I had excepted it. I glance over at Bailey and see that she fell asleep. I quickly wiped the small smile that formed on y face off and turned of her laptop. I got out my phone and earbuds and watched youtube until 4:30. 

Two hours later my alarm went off and the first thing I realized was that I was in Bailey's arms. I lay there shocked then I realized my skin was covered. But then I felt a slight brush on my leg. Bailey just touched, why was nothing happening?  

I quickly slip out of Bailey's grasp and pull on my clothes. I grabbed my bag and slipped out of her room.  I ran down the stairs as quietly as I could. I reached the front door and quietly slipped out. I hopped on my bike, put on my helmet and rolled it away from her house so it wouldn't wake anyone up. Once I got to the road I turned on the engine and sped to a Wawa that was near school.

It probably wasn't a good idea to be driving while a little sleep deprived but it didn't matter. All that was one my mind was why didn't I see how Bailey died when she touched me. It made no sense. It has never happened before either. Maybe she didn't touch my leg and I was just I imagining it. I pulled into the parking lot and ran in to grab coffee.

The whole day I managed to avoid Bailey. I couldn't handle seeing her so instead I pushed everything to the back of my mind. 

I headed home to pick up my guitar and headed to the park. I needed to loose myself in my music. I played until it got dark and then headed home.

At dinner mom kept asking me about what I did at Bailey's. She couldn't tell that I didn't want to talk about it so I just said that we played video game and had breakfast for dinner. As soon as I finished dinner I excused myself and went to my room and changed.

I spent most of the night and early morning writing  song and getting a little distracted by a game on my phone.

I felt awful in the morning and chugged two cups of coffee. I headed to school and as soon as I walked into the building somebody ran into me. I watched as the girl died and her husband and two children cried. I couldn't do anything about it. 

The girl mutter 'freak' under her breath and walked around me. When I snapped out of it I saw Bailey staring at from across the hall and I quickly ran off to my next class.

At lunch I was eating in front of my locker when I saw Bailey approaching. I immediately get up and start walking away.

"Alex wait." she called. But I started walking quicker.

"Alex talk to me. You left suddenly why?" 

I spun around to face her making sure no emotion was shown. I studied her. All her features were perfect. Her hair, her skin, everything. It wasn't right. Something wasn't right. It was like she was too gorgeous, too stunning, too beautiful. I looked her right in the eyes.

"What are you?"

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