Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

So if it's true that Bailey is a vampire that would mean that she's immortal right? That she can't die? So I could actually, actually have someone without being afraid. No I couldn't give myself that hope.

I sitting on my bed eating chips thinking about Bailey when my door bangs open. My eyes immediately go to the person standing in my doorway

"Alex it's so glad to see you again!" my aunt Polly exclaimed. I gave her a little smile in return. She gave me a concerned look when she saw what I was doing and sat down next to me on my bed.

"Honey what's the matter?"

"Nothing." I say glancing away. 

She paused for a moment and said "Ok, I'll respect your privacy." and the reached for my chips. I slapped her hand away and felt the hairs on my neck raise.

We were at the hospital and waiting for the doctor to come back. When she did she said that she only had a hour left so we all go to Aunt Polly's room. As we entered she smiled at us. Mom and Dad said their goodbyes and then it was my Uncle's turn, then mine. My parents and Uncle left the room so I could talk to her. 

"Don't keep shutting her out. She wants to help you."  she rasped out and I saw tears streaming down my face. 

"Don't cry sweetie." she said and put her hand to my cheek and and saw myself clasp it. Then the heart mentor stoped and I heard a strangled cry which must've came from me.

I snapped out of it and saw Aunt Polly waving a hand in front of my face. 

"You ok sweetie?" she asked looking concerned.

"Yeah." Aunt Polly was going to die because of a brain tumor. It's hard to wash you loved ones die but one thing that Aunt Polly said stuck with me. She said 'Don't keep shutting her out. She wants to help you.' She hasn't said that before. I had a question, who was she? 

"How about we go get frozen yogurt before Clara and Bill get back?" she suggested interrupting my thoughts. I nod. We get up and leave. I couldn't shake the feeling that I know 'she' is. 

We got our frozen yogurt and sat down outside at one of the tables. Aunt Polly was telling me about her trip to Thailand and how pretty it was there. 

I was finishing my frozen yogurt when I heard someone call my name and then suddenly Peter was standing at our table smiling. 

If Bailey was a vampire then that probably means that Peter, Andrew, Ricky, Adrian, Cole, and Aiden are vampires. 

"Hi Alex." he said smiling at me. I just stare at him.

"Alex tell me who your friend is." Aunt Polly said smiling.

"He's not my friend." I mutter.

"I am offeneded. I thought we were friends. Alex how could you?" he said pretending to be offended. "I'm Peter by the way"

"I'm Polly, nice to meet you." she said smiling.

"You must get all the guys." Peter said jokingly.

"I do they all bow at my feet." Aunt Polly said and they laughed. I just stirred my frozen yogurt around and suddenly wasn't hungry. when Peter showed up I couldn't help but think about Bailey again and the whole vampire thing.

"Alex when are you going to come back over? Me and Ricky miss you." Peter whined.

Aunt Polly looked at me raising an eyebrow. 

I scoff, "First off I'm not going back because last time I was forced to go even though I didn't even want to be there and second you guys will live."

"You were kidnapped?" Aunt Polly asked.

"Yes I was thrown over somebody's shoulder and carried into their house and wasn't allowed to leave."

"Oh gosh."

"Aw Alex admit you had fun." Peter said giving me a charming smiled and I just glared back.

"No. We got to go my parents will be home soon for dinner." I said standing up and throwing away the rest of my melted frozen yogurt. Peter yelled goodbye and we got into Aunt Polly's car and drove home.

At dinner I found out that Aunt Polly was going to be staying town for a few more days. I was happy because I don't get to see her that much and now I could spend more time with her. 

I said goodnight to my parents and aunt and went upstairs to my room. I thought about this afternoon. I was nervous to ask Bailey my question but I needed to know. I could tell that she lying so I thought that if she wouldn't tell me that was the end of it. But she ended up telling me and I believed her. It's a lot to process. She's a vampire. Her whole family are probably vampires. 

In history when she asked me if I hated her and was disgusted she sounded upset and vulnerable. I didn't hate her and wasn't disgusted I was just processing. She sounded so happy when I told her I didn't hate her and proceeded to talk for the whole class. Which was annoying. I didn't see her at the end of the day and I figured that she wanted to give me space.

My thoughts shifted to Aunt Polly dying. The things she said changed, her death didn't. Before she told me to stay strong and to make through this. This was the second time that the details changed. The first time was Bailey coming into comfort me and the second time was Aunt Polly telling me to not shut 'her' out and I have a feeling that 'her' is Bailey. But how? Why? She annoys the hell out of me.

I sigh and push all my thoughts to the back of my mind and sneak out. I walk to Chick-Fil-A and get some chicken nuggets and fries and found a bench to sit on. I put in my earbuds and eat. I barely notice someone sit down next to me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and automatically flinch and look up. Bailey was sitting with me smiling. I pull out my earbuds.

"Why are you always everywhere?"

"I don't know."

"What are you doing here?"  I ask looking at her curiously.

"I had to get out of the house, Andrew getting in trouble."


I finish my food and through the trash and Bailey followed me.

"Do you want to do something?" 

I look at her. If I refuse then she'd probably beg and I'd eventually give in. So I decide not to fight the inevitable.

"I don't have a choice do I?" She looked at me confused.

"Of course you do."

I roll eyes, "Let's go."

"Yay!" she exclaimed and she pulled me down the sidewalk.

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