Chapter 18

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"Alex dinner's ready!" my dad called and I put down my guitar. It was the last night Aunt Polly was going to be in  town and we were having Chinese takeout. 

I pushed the kiss to the back of my mind and focused on the conversation my family was having. After we ate we pulled out Monopoly and dad won. He walked around the house bragging while the rest of us laughed.

I said goodnight to my parents and got out my laptop. I opened  Netflix and just stared at the screen. I didn't feel like watching anything so I put it away and grabbed my headphones and snuck out.

I wandered the streets listening to music. It was peaceful out. No  else was awake, it was just me. I finally had some alone time.

I was walking down a street looking up at the stars when somebody tapped me on the shoulder. I immediately tensed and started running hoping it wasn't a kidnapper. I got about two steps when Bailey appeared in front of me and I ran into her. I glared at her, looks like I don't get any alone time after all.

I took the headphones out of my ears and continued to glare at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said through clenched teeth.

"I could ask you the same thing. Do you know how dangerous it is to be walking alone at night? With headphones in. There's serial killers, kidnappers, rogue vampires wanting to kill you, out." Bailey said.

"I don't really care about all that stuff. I jus wanted to take a nice peaceful walk but nooo you had to show up." I say annoyed. Why was so concerned about me? Right we kissed. 

The memory of her lips on mine surfaced. I remember how good it felt, how right it felt. I quickly pushed those thoughts away. Just because we kissed doesn't mean she has to go all protective girlfriend on me. But I couldn't help but feel happy that she cared for me enough to find me at 12 am.

"But I care Alex. I care about you. Why did you runaway after we kissed? You skipped last period. Did you actually want to kiss me? I just don't understand. You know you can trust me. I'm not going to betray you Alex. Why can't you let me in?" she said. So much emotion crossed her face, hurt, sadness, concern. 

Knowing that I was the cause of her pain and sadness made me feel awful. I wanted to take that pain away, I wanted her to smile. But that meant letting her in. 'You don't have to tell her.' a voice whispered. It's right I don't have to tell her. When I'm with her I can just forget about it. She won't have to know.

I looked up at her thoughtfully. Took a few steps and whispered "I'm not going to run this time." and kissed her.

I pulled away breathless. Her lips were cold. She looked really pale underneath the streetlight but at the same time she looked like a goddess. Next to her I looked like a garbage can. I started to look away, suddenly feeling self conscious.

She grabbed my face and  forced me to look at her. 

"You are beautiful." she said with a small smile and kissed me again. 

I broke away again breathless, "It's not fair that you don't need air but I do." I complained and pouted.

"Aw you look so cute when you pout." Bailey cooed.

"Stop." I say still pouting. Bailey laughed and grabbed my hand. 

"Will you be so kind and let me walk you back to your street?" 

"No." I said and Bailey looked shocked and disappointed.

"We aren't going to my street. You're going to wander with me." I state.

"No. You should go home so you can sleep." Bailey said firmly.

"I think not. Plus even if I went home I'm not going to sleep. Come on wander with me." 

"Fine." she said and we started walking and swinging our hands slightly.

"You know I would give you my other earbud but you're too tall and we wouldn't be able to listen to it together." 

"I'm not too tall you're just short." 

"I'm not that short." I say defensively.

"You totally are." Bailey laughed.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

it went on for a little awhile until Bailey finally gave in and said "Fine you're not that short."

"Yes." I cheered and then we got quiet.

We walked up and down streets silently holding hands. It felt nice to be this close to someone without seeing death.

Bailey took out her phone and looked at the time.

"I need to get you back home."

"Why?" I asked looking at her curiously.

"Because it's 1:00 and you need to sleep." she stared and started to pull me back the way we came.

"Do you not want to spend more time with me?" 

"Of course I want to spend time with you but I care abut you're wellbeing and you need to get some sleep." she stated.

"Fine." I groan.

Bailey stopped, "Get on my back."


"Just do it." 

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes. Let go of her hand and hope on her back.

"Hold on tight." she said and I could hear the smile in her voice.

And then the next thing I know I could feel the wind on my face and it felt like I was on my motorcycle. Then we suddenly stopped. 

I got off Bailey's back and glared at her. "Why didn't you warn me that you were going to do some Twilight shit?"  

Bailey just laughed and gave me a quick kiss. "Goodnight Alex." she said and gave me a hug.


"Go to bed." she said trying to give me a stern look.

"Ok mother." I say rolling my eyes. She gave me one more kiss and then was gone. 

I snuck back in and for once went to bed.

The next morning I said goodbye to Aunt Polly and went to school. In the hallway I saw Bailey talking with brown haired friend. When she saw me she winked and I gave her a small smile in return and headed to my class.

I was zoned out in math class until my teacher said  "Class get ready you have a test on the 14th." 

The 14th. When Adrian's friend was going to see his grandma on the 14th. That meant he was going to be killed  before then. The bell rang and as soon as I was in the hallway I took out my phone and checked the calendar.

The 14th was two days away. I felt my body go numb. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

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