Chapter 13

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"Could you stop pulling me?" I ask.


"What are we doing?"

"Something fun." 

"Like?" I ask trying to stop myself from moving but she was too strong.

"You'll see."

She pulled me to Walmart. She let go of my wrist and we walked inside.

"What are we doing here?" I ask looking at her suspiciously.

"I need to pick up a few things." she said. 

I swear we went down every single aisle. Bailey had grabbed a basket and was putting stuff in it at random.

She was looking at two different kinds of flour asking me if they are probably the same when little boy bumped into me. He was about to fall so I grabbed his arm to steady him.

"Jakey stay with us please." a woman cried trying to stop the bleeding from the gash on his neck.  A man was over by a couch talking to the paramedics. I look at the boy laying at the bottom of the steps, he must've tripped and fell. I couldn't stop my eyes from watering. I pinched myself and blinked rapidly and slowly it faded a way.

I felt myself clutching the shelf the boy was still standing there looking at me curiously.

"Are you ok miss?" he asked looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yes I'm ok. Where's your mom?" I say forcing a fake smile noticing that Bailey wasn't in the aisle anymore.

"She's looking for pretzels in the next aisle over. She told me to get a bag of chocolate chips." he said smiling back at me.

I look down and see that he's holding a bag of dark chocolate chocolate chips. He noticed me looking and said "I got them while you were spaced out. I thought it would be rude if I just left you."

"Thank you. But you should go find your mom she could be worried." I say forcing a friendly smile.

"Ok bye." he said cheerfully and walked back down the aisle.

As he was turning the corner I couldn't help but say "Be careful on the stairs." but I don't think he heard me.

I sighed and leaned against the shelves and closed my eyes. I haven't really seen kids dying because I try to be careful. But I couldn't let him fall. I know I can't change anything, I learned that a long time ago, but I couldn't help but try. He was kid for God's sake. He doesn't deserve that. 

I close my eyes tighter wishing the world away, wishing I couldn't feel the pain. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I chant in my head over and over.


My eyes flew open and I saw Bailey looking at me concerned. I dropped all the emotion off my face and looked back at her. The next thing I knew I was in her arms. I tried to get away from her embrace but she was too strong. So instead I wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling of comfort. 

She pulled away from me and looked at me still concerned, "Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine and this never happened ok?" I said looking away with a slight smile.

"Aww you loved my hug." she teased and picked up the basket she set on the ground.

"Shut up." I said scowling as we exited the aisle. "Are you done?"

"Yup." she said and we checked out and left the store.

We walked on the sidewalk which was deserted because it was almost 11:30. We stopped at a park bench and Bailey set down the bags.

"What did you get?" I ask.

She dumped out all of them and inside was a bunch of food, the flour, a few makeup products, eggs, a magazine and a cheap karaoke machine.

"What? Why? I'm so confused." I said staring at the stuff.

"Well my friend's hosting a food drive, the flour is for a secret plan," she said grinning evilly, "the eggs are for the bros, I saw the magazine and I wanted it so I got it, and I thought we could do karaoke. Oh and the makeup's for me." 

"First off you dint need make up your skin is already flawless and you're perfect. Second where the hell are we going to plug in a karaoke machine?"

"You think I'm flawless. Aww Alex that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." she said smiling putting the food and other stuff back in the bags.

"Shut it. And like I said where the hell are we going to plug in a karaoke machine?" 

"It runs on batteries." she said opening the box.

"Oh. You're opening here and now?"

"Yeah why not?" she said taking it out and setting it up.

"People are sleeping." I said crossing my arms and she just shrugged.

"We'll be quiet. Plus no one's around." she plugged in her phone and a song came on and she started singing.

She was bing so over dramatic it was funny and I tried to stop myself from laughing but I couldn't. Bailey looked so happy that she made me laugh that she continued. She motioned for me to join her but I just shook my head and she pouted. 

"Hey you keep down, down there! Some of us are trying to sleep!" We heard from the building in front of us. 

Instead of turning down the music Bailey turned it up a bit.

"Bailey turn it down." 

She just shook her head and continued singing. A door banged open and an angry looking man walked out.

"Turn off your music and get out of here. People are trying to sleep." he yelled at us and Bailey continued to sing and dance.

"If you don't leave I'm calling the cops." he yelled.

Bailey started laughing hysterically and I couldn't figure out why. She turned off the music and disconnected her phone and grabbed the bags in one hand and my wrist in the other and she pulled me and we started running.

"Don't come back again!" he yelled and Bailey started laughing again.

We ran until we reached Green Street which was a couple blocks away. Bailey couldn't stop laughing.

"I wonder how mad he'll be when he realizes that we left the karaoke machine." she said grinning.

"Your evil." I say chuckling.

"Always and forever darling." she said and started laughing again.

"Idiot." I mutter and chuckle as well.

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