Chapter 26

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We drive to a coffee shop so I can grab some coffee. While we were waiting for my coffee Bailey hugged me from behind. I could feel my face heating up and then my name was called so I got out of Bailey's grip to get my cups of coffee.

One was a small ice coffee so I basically chugged that. When I looked over at Bailey she was looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask sipping my hot cup of coffee.

"You just chugged that whole thing in like three seconds."


"How are you planing to drive with coffee?" she asked.

"You're going to hold it." I say with a straight face.

"What no!" she exclaimed.

"Why not?"

"I could fall off if I don't hold onto you."

"No you won't you'll be fine. Now let's go or we'll be late for school." I say handing her my coffee. "Don't spill it."

She looks at me wide eyed and takes the coffee from me.

"Thank you." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. We got on my bike and drove off to school.

We parked and I took my coffee from Bailey. I honestly thought the coffee wouldn't make it. I thought Bailey was going to drop it or at least spill some on me.

I sipped my coffee as we headed inside school and Jackie immediately found Bailey and started talking. I slipped away before Bailey could stop me and headed to my class.

It was finally lunchtime and I had to go into the cafeteria to buy my lunch. I had my earbuds in and I bought a sandwich, some chips, a cookie and grabbed some napkins as well.

I head to my locker and see a blonde haired jock leaning against it. What is this jock face doing by my locker? I decide to just walk past him and find somewhere else to eat. But when I reach him he grabs my shoulder and roughly pushed me. I drop my lunch tray and almost fell but I caught myself. Lucky for me, my sandwich is wrapped up and so is my cookie so I could still eat them. I pick up my food and turn to glare at jock face.

"Listen up goth chick, you better stop hanging out with Bailey or else something bass going to happen." he threatened with a sneer. I stared at him emotionless.

"Don't stare at me like that." he yelled, "Stay away from Bailey, you hear me?"

I look up at him. He was a good foot taller than me. What was with everyone and being super tall. Now I could fight him or I could walk away and see what happens.

I chose the later and spun on my heel and walked away.

"Don't walk away from me you little gothic punk!" he yelled and he came up behind me and pushed me to the ground.

I glare up at him and slowly get up and punch him in the gut and he doubles over. I just have to make sure that he doesn't hit my face or grabs my hands.

He stands back up and I punch him in the gut again. I turn to walk away but then he grabs my shoulder, spins me around and punches me hard in the face.

"Oh my god what happened?" a girl in a short skirt and crop top yells as she rushes into the hospital room.

"He was mugged and tried to fight back. His injuries are pretty bad he might not make it. They really did some damage on him."

"On my god, oh my god." the girl says over and over again.

The heart monitor suddenly speeds up and the man in the room calls for a doctor while the girl cries. And then the heart monitor goes dead. The girl breaks down sobbing and runs out of the room.

I slap myself in the face and feel a shooting pain.

I blink a couple of times and see Bailey punching the crap out of jock face. I'm still on the ground and I touch my face and feel something wet. I look at my hand and see blood. I freeze, what would Bailey do? I need to clean the blood away. So I inch over to where my lunch was dropped and grabbed a few napkins and dapped it to my nose.

"Bailey stop." I say as I finish dapping my nose. She doesn't seem to hear me so I slowly get up and wrap my arms around her waist.

She stopped punching him and I let go so she could back up. When I saw her eyes they were dark blue almost black. When she saw me her eyes went back to bright blue.

She grabbed my shoulders, "Are you ok?" she asked looking at me concerned.

"I'm fine Bailey." I say and she immediately relaxed and took a few steps back and covered her nose.

"I can't still smell the blood on you." she said.

"Sorry. I'll go wash my face and hands." I say and head to the bathroom.

The bell rang while I was in the bathroom and I was disappointed that I didn't get to eat my lunch.

I finished up and me and Bailey headed to our next class. I kept getting some looks and I assume it's because I have some bruises developing into my face.

After school ended Bailey rushed me to my motorcycle and we drove to Bailey's house.

When we arrived she pulled me inside. Ricky saw me and was instantly in front of me.

"Oh my god Alex what happened? Who do I have to beat up?" he asked and grabbed my face and I flinch.

"Stay right there, I'll get you." Ricky yelled into the hallway as he fought a woman.

"I don't think you will." she said and a knife went though his heart and it looked to be covered in something.

No. This couldn't be happening. Fate can't change. He can't go from not dying to going to die, that's not how it works.

I was back in Bailey's house and I drop to the ground. What does it mean? I thought fate couldn't change, if you die you die, you can't change it. But why did it change now?

"Hey I just got off the phone with Larry and he said he'll do the job so we don't have to." Peter said walking in and then he spotted me on the ground, "What's going on?"

I look around wide eyed and had a thought. I reach up and touch Ricky's hand, nothing.

How could this happen? I saw him die, I saw him get knifed. This isn't right. What was happening? What's going on?

I start to shake and then everything goes black,

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