Chapter 11

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Bailey' POV

I stare at Alex shocked but quickly wipe the shocked expression off my face and replaced it with. a smile. 

Why would she ask me that? Did she realize that me and the boys aren't entirely normal? But how? We were all extra careful to act human or at least so I thought. I thought back to the night when she stayed over. I couldn't really think of anything major that happened except maybe Ricky and I ran too fast but would that really tip her off?

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I ask looking at her with wide eyes. 

"What are you?" she said and I could see her clench her teeth.

"I'm a Bailey. What else would I be?" I say hoping that she would believe me and leave it at that.

"No that's not what I meant. What are you?"

"I'm a homo sapien?"

Alex looked at me with disbelief. "No."


"What are you? Don't lie." she said but she looked unsure of something.

"I'm a human being Alex." I say hoping to convince her.

"You know what? I don't care anymore. Don't talk to me. Don't come near me." she said and spun on her heel and started walking down the hall.

I could feel my whole body screaming to go after her. But I couldn't. What if I- No I can't. She wouldn't believe me. I couldn't just let her go though. I wasn't going to give up.

I ran down the hallway to Alex in a matter of seconds and grabbed her shoulder.


"What?" she said looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'm a vampire. You really wanted to know, well now you know. You may not believe me but it's true." I say. I was half expecting a look of disbelief or maybe disgust but I couldn't tell, her face was emotionless.

The bell rang and people flooded the halls. I heard someone call my name and I turned and saw my friend Jacky waved to me. When I turned back to where Alex was standing she was gone. I sighed and headed to my next class.

Last period was history and I was nervous because I didn't know how Alex would treat. Did she even believe me? I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face and walked into class. I really hope Alex wouldn't stop talking to me. I really wanted to figure her out and be there for her.

I entered the classroom and saw Alex staring out the window with her earbuds in. I sat down at my seat and snuck glances at Alex.

"Alright class you have one more week to work on this project. Get to work." she said and went back to her computer.

I take a moment to calm myself and got up and went to Alex's seat.

"Alex." I say and it didn't seem like she heard me and I could hear the beat of the music she was listening to..

"Alex." I say a little bit louder but she still didn't answer so I tapped on her shoulder. She flinched and turned to glare at me. I smiled back.

"What do you want?" she said pulling out an earbud.

"We have to work on our project."

She sighed then put away her head phones. We worked in silence for a bit until I couldn't take it anymore, I had to ask.

"Do you hate me? Are you disgusted?" I ask not looking up from my work. I couldn't help letting the vulnerable part of me show.  

She was silent for a moment the quietly said "I don't hate you and I'm not disgusted. I just don't know what to say. Also I want you to leave me alone." but she said the last part like she didn't mean it.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. I smiled, "I'll never leave you alone."

"Great." she muttered sarcastically. I laughed.

The rest of the period went by quickly because Alex and I were chatting the whole time. Well I was mostly talking, Alex was mostly chiming in with sarcastic comments. 

The bell rang and I told Alex I would see her later and she just rolled her eyes and walked away. It made me so happy that she didn't hate me. I could tell that she wasn't used to being around somebody so outgoing as me. But that has never stopped me from making friends with people.

As I walked down the halls everyone waved or  smiled at me. I was the person who was friend with pretty much everyone in the school. Even though I was a vampire I liked hanging out with humans, they were interesting. 

I was getting some things from my locker when I heard somebody come up behind me.

"Heey Bailey." 

I rolled my eyes and turned around, "Troy. What do you want?"

"I want you baby." he said with a stupid grin. I could smell the weed on him.

Troy and I used to go out before he changed. He got mixed into the wrong crowd and started smoking all the time and I got sick of him being high all the time so I broke up with him. It's save to say that he wasn't happy about it and he never got over me. 

"No way. Leave me alone."

"Aw come on, you know you miss me baby."

"I'm not your baby. Why don't you go find your junkie friends?" I say pushing past him and heading towards the exit.

Troy grabbed my wrist and spun me around and kissed me. I pushed him away and he hit the ground hard.

"Leave me alone you disgusting piece of trash." I say coldly and walk towards Ricky who was waiting for me in his car. 

I wanted to go with Alex but I thought it would be best if I gave her a little bit of space. I opened the car door and slid in.

"About time you got here."

"I had to take care of something." 

Ricky pulled onto the rode and turned up the radio and we sung along at the top of our lungs until we got home.

 I entered the house and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of blood. While I was sipping it I noticed Colin's sketchbook open on the counter. I went over and looked at what he was drawing. 

Colin was a great artist, he always seemed to capture everything just right and with so much detail.

I let out a little gasp as saw what he was drawing. It was a picture of Alex. She looked almost content sitting on the bean bag but if you look closely you could tell that she was tired and there was a twinge of sadness in her eyes.

I picked it up to get a better look.


I look at the doorway and Colin was standing there embarrassed. He rushed over to me and snatched his sketchbook out of my hands.

"Don't touch my stuff." he said and ran out of the kitchen. 

I went back to sipping the blood but I couldn't get the picture of Alex out of my mind

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