Chapter 30

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I stared Bailey's confused face. I was shocked. Bailey was going to die? No way. There's no way. She can't die. She can't die.

I start breathing heavily and got off the bed quickly and pushed past Bailey and ran out of the house. Bailey was standing next to my motorcycle.

I stop, clear all the emotion from my face and glare at her.

"Move." I say coldly.

"Alex what's going on? Why won't you talk to me?" she pleaded looking hurt.

"Move Bailey." I say again. It was hurting me to do this but I had to leave.

"Alex..." she said stepping towards me. I move out of the and quickly hop on my bike and accelerate down the driveway.

"Alex!" Bailey yelled. She was running right along side me. I scowl and go faster down the driveway.

"Alex please." she yelled but I ignored her and turned out of the driveway.

I accelerated down the road knowing that she couldn't run after me. I go home and surround myself in blankets and fall asleep.

The next few days were tough. Bailey kept trying to talk to me but I was ignoring her. And whenever I saw one of Bailey's friends they would give me a smug look but they didn't know the whole story.

I was doing this to protect myself which I know is selfish but removing myself from Bailey's life is the best option to protect myself from getting hurt. Right?

I walk down the street heading to the music store to get more guitar strings when I see Ricky and Peter hanging out by a lamppost. I quickly run back the way I came, I could always get the strings later.

"Alex why are you running away from us?" I spun around and saw Ricky and Peter behind me.

"I'm not." I say and make to get on my bike but Peter stopped me.

"We need to have a chat." he said and grabbed me.

"Help me! Someone help me!" I yell kicking and squirming in his arms.

"Hey you there let that girl go." a man yelled and rushed over to us.

"Oh no you misunderstand sir, this is our little sister. We have to get home in time for dinner." Peter said with a charming smile.

"I don't know you. I've never seen you before. Let me go. Let me go." I yell.

"Son I'm going to have to ask you to put her down sister or not." the man said patiently. Peter, seeing more other option, let me go and I ran behind the man.

"Sir I assure that she is my sister. She's just playing around." Peter said giving him another charming look.

"I don't know them. They were trying to take me away." I say making my voice waver and I grabbed on to the man's coat sleeve.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave boys." the man said as kindly as possible. They exchanged glances and looked at me. I knew that they were going to find me again but for now I was fine. They sighed and walked away.

"Are you alright miss?" the man asked turning to me.

"Yes. Thank you for stopping them." I say letting go of him.

"It was no problem at all. You be careful now, ok? There's dangerous people on the streets."

"I will thank you so much." I say waving goodbye as he walked away.

As soon as he was out of sight I got on my bike and drove off. I didn't think that would work. It was exhausting, at least I know I won't be an actor.

What bugged me was that Ricky didn't talk at all, which want like him. He's usually chatting up a storm. I hope he's okay. I mean I know I'm hurting them. I'm painfully aware of it and I feel so guilty. But I have to stay away.

I was in bed when there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Honey your friend is here to see you." my mom said and opened the door. There in the doorway was Bailey. She looked paler then before, if that's even possible and her eyes were bloodshot.

Bailey stepped in my room and I got up.

"Alex I-"

"Get out Bailey." I say quietly.

"What?" she asked looking at me shocked.

"I said get out! What part of I never want to see you again do you not understand? I don't want to see or talk to you ok? Why can't you get that through your head?" I yell.

"Alex..." Bailey said and her eyes started tearing up. I didn't know vampires could cry. It broke my heart to see her like this.

I turn away from her so I wouldn't have to see her cry, "Leave me alone Bailey." When I turn back around she was gone.

I close and lock my door and wrap myself in blankets again. I pushed all my emotions away and now I just feel empty.

I was lying awake when I realized something, vampires cheat death. That's what they do, so what if... No. I can't get my hopes up. There's no guarantee that anyone can stop her death.

I myself don't even understand what's happening. I thought I figured it out, I mean at least some of it. But how can I be sure? I don't have anyone to talk to now. Which fine. Now things can go back to how they used to be. Yeah keep telling yourself that.

Things will never be the same. I'll always remember being with Bailey, and the boys annoying me.

I mean the guys probably want to kill me now because I've hurt Bailey, and maybe I wouldn't object.

Where did I think a relationship with a vampire would go? She would've outlived me anyway. I'm better off alone. I don't need her. I curl up in a ball and try to keep the emotions away.

I hear my window being opened and I look up. The was a person dressed in black, I blinked and they were gone. The next thing I know something was being put over my mouth and everything faded to black.

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