Chapter 14

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Bailey checked her phone and looked back up at me with a small smile. We've been sitting on a bench for the past 30 minutes talking. Correction Bailey was talking. I swear she can go on for days without taking a break.

"It's twelve I should probably go home." she said and I could hear a hint of an apology in her voice.

"Ok." I say and get off the bench and hold my hand out expecting Bailey to hand me the bags. Instead she grabbed my wrist and pulled herself off the bench causing me to fall back onto the bench. 

I glared up at her, "Really?"

"Sorry sometimes I forget my own strength."

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes. 

We gathered the bags and started walking back to my house. 

"I thought you had to go home?" 

"I'm walking you home silly."

I sigh and roll my eyes. We walked in silence for a little bit and it was a nice break from Bailey's voice .

"We're at my street." I say stopping.

"Oh." Bailey said sounding disappointed.


"Can I have your number?" Bailey said interrupting me. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn't want her blowing up my phone all the time. And giving her my number would only encourage her to be my friend. But on the other hand I already spent the night with her. And I mean I could always block her if I needed to.

I groan, "Fine." I said and recited my number.

"Thank you!" she said looking happy.

"Yeah whatever just don't constantly  text me." I say rolling my eyes.

"Goodnight Alex." she said and suddenly I feel her arms around my waist and she hugs me. I stiffen in shock.

"Bye." she called and then disappeared. 

I stood frozen staring into the night. Bailey just hugged me. Why? For that split second I was in her arm I I couldn't let her break my walls. I worked too hard to build them up to let Bailey break them down.

I sighed and turned around and walked back down the street. I was one street over from my house. I didn't want Bailey knowing which street I lived on. I didn't need her to visit me randomly.

I reached my house and snuck back in. I changed into comfortable clothes and pulled out my laptop. 

I was still watching Netflix when my dad yelled up that it was time for me to get up. I reluctantly shut my laptop and rubbed my eyes. Was it a bad idea to stay up all night watching Netflix when I  got almost no sleep for the past week? Yes but I did it anyway. I dragged myself out of bed and changed. 

When I went downstairs into the kitchen mom, dad and Aunt Polly stared at me.

"Honey you look awful. Are you ok?" my mom asked concerned.

"I'm fine." I say making myself to cups of coffee.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home?"

"I'm fine mom. I got to go." I say and hurry out the door. They don't need to know that I haven't been sleeping.

I got on my bike and forced myself to focus on the road and not pass out. I finally made it to school and I made my way to my first class. Throughout the first half of the day I trying to not fall asleep and I was actually doing pretty good with it. It was lunch and I made my way to the roof. 

I haven't seen Bailey at all yet but I guess I've been focusing on staying awake that I didn't really notice anybody. I ate my lunch and then my alarm rang and I sighed. I loved eating lunch on the roof. It was so peaceful. 

I headed back down the stairs and slipped into the hallway which was empty. I was halfway down the hallway when my legs started to feel weak and I leaned against the lockers and then everything went black.

I woke up with a bright light shining directly on my face and I turned away.


I blink a few times and sat up and immediately felt dizzy. Once it cleared up I looked around and realized that I was in the nurse's office. I look at Bailey who was looking at me with a worried look.

"Bailey I'm fine. Relax." I say trying to sound convincing. I couldn't remember what happened, the last thing I remember was walking down the hallway and leaning against the lockers.

"Ms. Lawrence, it appears you passed out from exhaustion." the nurse said coming into the room.

That made sense. This wasn't the first this happened either. 

"You have to go home. Do you have anyone that could drive you home?"

I was about to say no but Bailey said that she would take me home. 

I got up and the nurse told me to get some sleep. I nodded. I wasn't actually going to go to bed that much earlier.

We were walking out of schooling's silence when I realized that Bailey couldn't drive my motorcycle. I stopped and turned to Bailey.

"How are we going to get home? You can't drive my motorcycle."

"I got an Uber. It's waiting at the school entrance." Bailey said looking at me strangely.

"You don't know where I live." I say and we continue walking.

"That's why I'm taking you to my house." she said and opened the car door for me.

"Yay you're kidnapping me again." I say sarcastically.

"Yup." she said with a small smile.

We sat in silence listening to the radio and it got harder and harder to keep my eyes open until I fell asleep.

My eyes slowly opened and I looked at a wall. It wasn't mine. I wasn't in my room. I sat up abruptly. I noticed a blonde haired girl sitting at a desk working on homework. 

"Oh you're awake. Did you have a good sleep?" Bailey said turning around in her chair. I nodded. She studied me for a second.

"Alex when was the last time you had 10 hours of sleep?" 

I thought for a second "Not since fifth grade probably. Why?" 

"That's not healthy you need to sleep more."

"I don't want to sleep more." I say harshly getting out of Bailey's bed and putting on my boots.

"Why?" she asked getting up. 

"Nightmares." I said bluntly and reached for the door knob.

Bailey grabbed my hand and pulled me into her and hugged me tight and I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my body.

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