Chapter 33

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We made our way out of the building and that was surrounded by trees. I assume that the vampire girl will hold them off, but what I still don't understand is literally everything. How did Bailey not get killed? Why was the girl helping us? How did they not know that she was a vampire?

I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and focused on getting me and Bailey a good distance away from the building we were trapped in.

After a little bit more walking I helped Bailey sit down at the base of a tree. Her head leaned against it and she closed her eyes.

From what I heard she hasn't eaten in a few weeks? Days? I don't know but a long time. So I guess that's why she's weak but I don't know what else they did to her.

I put my hands in my sleeves and carefully cupped her cheeks. I wasn't ready to touch her just yet.

"Bailey." I say softly. She opens her eyes and they're dark blue.

"Bailey what's wrong?" As soon as I asked that I realized it was a stupid question. Shes hungry.

"Blood." she rasps.

I smile at her, "You know I hate to be just like all the other girls in those vampire movies but you can have some of my blood."

"No I couldn't."

"Cmon Bailey. Every vampire gets to taste their significant other's blood."


"Fine. Then I need a number." I say sighing. As soon as I get a number from Bailey to call, Ill convince her to have some of my blood. I don't know if she'll die or turn into a wild blood craving animal but I don't want to risk it.

"What?" she asks looking confused.

"A phone number. I need to call someone because I have no idea where we are and I am not going to keep dragging you." I say and I notice Bailey's eyes are closed again.

"Bailey, a phone number."

" **********." she says and leans back against the tree. When I turn on the phone I notice it is about to die, she could t have charged it for us? I dial the number and an a smooth voice picks up.


"I don't know who you are but you know Bailey so I need you to pick us up. I have no idea where we are but you should be able to trace the signal." I say quickly and then my phone died.

"Great." I mutter.

"Ok Bailey, time to drink my blood."

"What? No."

"Oh cmon I don't want you dying or turning into a blood craving animal."

"I won't. I have it under control." she said but I didn't believe her.

"Cmon Bails you can have one little taste and then you can stop." I say.

"That's the problem. I won't be able to stop." Bailey said.

"Yes you will. I believe in you and I believe you won't kill me." I say. Ew that was so cheesy.

"No Alex." she tried to say it firmly but she failed.

"You can have my yummy neck artery," I say tilting my head, "or what about my yummy inside of elbow artery." I showcased the inside of my elbow. "Or anywhere else that has an artery."

I could see Bailey's resolve crumbling. I could tell that she was giving into her hunger.

"Go for it Bailey. You know you wanna." I say tilting my head again to showcase my neck. I saw a burning hunger in her eyes and the next thing I knew there was a burning pain on the side of my neck. I started to feel light headed but I still wrap my arms around Bailey. I don't care if this is how die. I mean honestly being killed by a vampire is pretty cool if you ask me.

I started to feel weaker until everything goes black.

My eyes were still closed but I could feel wind on my face. I crack open my eyes and see that I'm being carried by a man with platinum blonde hair. I don't think he noticed that I was awake yet but maybe he did and I was just being ignored. Whatever. I just hope Bailey's ok. I mean she obviously didn't kill me which is good. I just hope she got enough strength to run home or something. I started to feel tired again so I closed my eyes and was plunged into darkness.

Over and over I saw their gruesome death. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I could only stand there and watch. Years streamed down my face. I didn't want to watch this anymore but I was trapped inside my head.

For what felt like the millionth time I watched as their head got chopped off and I was finally allowed to scream. I jolted awake and immediately sat up. I looked around I was surrounded by faces. Adrian, Peter, Colin, Aiden, Ricky, and Andrew. They all looked very concerned. I felt something behind me and realized that my head was laying in Bailey's lap.

"What's really you looking at?" I ask scowling at them. I didn't want to be stared like an animal in a cage.

"Alex you're alright!" Ricky yelled and hugged me.

"Get off me."

"I'm so happy your alive."

"Yeah yeah me too." I say and Ricky lets go.

"Are you ok? That seemed like one hell of a nightmare." Peter says and I immediately stiffen. I can see it all over again, the gruesome death, all the dismantled body parts lying on the ground. It won't go away, it keeps coming back, I can't escape it. The scene keeps playing over and over in my mind and I can't seem to make it stop. I start to shake and breathe heavily. Bailey pulls me into her lap and hugs me. I start to calm down and I focus on her arms around me.

"Sorry Alex. I didn't mean it I trigger you." Peter said looking ashamed.

"It's fine." I say. I try to push all my thoughts to all the back of my head but I just can't seem to manage it. I start to shut down and I lean back into Bailey and I fall asleep.

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