Chapter 5

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Once we got out of town I started to speed up. I could feel Bailey's arms tighten around my waist. I felt a spark when she tightened her grip but I ignored it. We approached a curve and I didn't slow down, in fact I sped up. There were almost no cars on the road so that meant I could go fast without having to worry about other cars. 

We stopped at a stoplight and Bailey loosened her hold on me. But as soon as the light turned green I turned left heading towards the highway. We drove down the highway until I took an exit off and parked a diner. 

"What the hell Alex you could have died!" Bailey exclaimed taking off the helmet. I just shrugged and walked inside the diner.

"Have a seat wherever you kids want to sit." a woman called from the back.

"Ooo can we sit in a booth?" Bailey asked excitedly and I nodded.

We sat down and a waitress came over and handed us menus. I didn't look over the menu because I already knew what I wanted. Instead I pulled out my phone and texted my dad saying that I was at a friends house.

"What can I get for you girls?"

"Can I have a 3 pancakes and bacon with Sprite please." I said and handed her my menu. The waitress wrote it down and then looked at Bailey.

She looked down at her menu again and said "Can I have the eggs and bacon, with water please." she said handing her menu to the waitress.

"Ok I'll have that right for you." she said leaving.

"Do you come here often?" Bailey asked. I shrugged.

"Do want to here a story?" she asked but don't give me a chance to respond before diving into her story.

"So one time when I was in Arizona me and Adrian..." I zoned out thinking about why she was so insistent to spend time with. I'm not a 'fun' person, I don't go to parties, I'm usually in my room or at the park and I'm not good at conversation. There are plenty of other people who she would have a better time hanging out with. But the real question is why am I letting her hangout with me?

My thoughts were interrupted when the waitress brought out our food. We ate in silence but it wasn't very awkward, I don't know it's hard to explain. 

After we were done I asked for the check. While waiting I looked at Bailey. She was looking paler than normal since she was usually pale and I wondered if she was ok. She kept glancing at the bathroom.

"I'll be right back." she said and rushed towards the bathroom. Did this girl have bladder problems or something?

The check came and Bailey still was in the bathroom. I paid and decided to wait for her outside since it was a nice day. 

Maybe she was on her period? I don't know and I certainly wasn't going to ask. It wasn't my business. I waited for what seemed like a hour when finally Bailey rushes out of the diner.

"Oh thank god you didn't leave me here." she said. I rolled my eyes and we walked towards my bike.

"Did you like the food?" I ask quietly and I saw that she shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah it was great." she said and I could tell that she was lying. If she didn't like the food then why didn't she just tell me. We got on my bike and I drove out of the parking lot.

We were at a red light when a 40 year mom rolled down her window and said "You should be wearing a helmet sweetie like your friend with you." And then smiled sweetly, "Don't you want to set a good example for others?"

I scowled and noticed that the light turned green. I revved my engine and gave her a fake smile and said  "Fuck off." and drove away. I could feel Bailey pinch me and I assumed that she wasn't happy with what I said but when did I care about what she thought.

I planned to drive back to her house and then leave but when we got to her driveway she asked me if  I wanted to stay.


"Please Alex." she pleaded giving me puppy eyes.

"No." I said again. Chances were that Owen would be there and I don't think that I could handle seeing him.

"Pleaseee." she whined.

"No." I snapped and hopped on my bike and drove off. Why couldn't she leave me alone? I got home, yelled that I was here and immediately went to my room.

I flopped on my bed and got my laptop and started watching a new show on Amazon called Good Omens.

After I finished that I started watching a movie. I felt a little bad for snapping at Bailey but she just wouldn't leave me alone. Also she has my helmet. Great.

After watching six movies trying to keep my mind off Bailey and my problems, I looked at the clock to see that it was almost 5am. I sighed and shut my laptop and tried to get as much sleep as I could before my dad woke me up at 6:30.

I trudged downstairs still half asleep drank to cups of coffee and before I went out the door my mom kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save her. She died on impact we couldn't do anything to save her." the doctor said and I saw an older version of myself clutching to my father's arm. "The man who hit Clara will live though and a lawyer will want to speak with you to see if you want to press charges." a woman said. "Alex are you ok?" yelled a girl bursting into the waiting room. It took me a second recognize her but I realized it was Bailey. What the hell?  "Honey? Honey are you ok?"

I blinked and I was back in my house about to leave.

I glanced at my mom and gave her a fake smile "Yea I'm fine I must have spaced out. I have to get going. Love you mom." I said and ran out the door.

Why the hell was Bailey there? That was different. The whole was the same until Bailey showed up. I didn't think that it could change. Maybe I just haven't seen all of it before. I argued with myself as I walked into school. 

I went to my first class and sighed, it was going to be a long day.

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