Chapter 31

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I wake up with my hands and legs tied to a chair. I was in a dark room and the only things in the room were a chair, a single light that was on the wall, a bucket and a very uncomfortable looking bed.

I didn't know why I was here. It's not like my family worked with the government and like knew government secrets or anything. Also it's not like I was walking on the streets alone at night where some rando could just take me.

I sighed, I'll probably never see the light of day again, or least for two years or something.

I try to get my head in a more comfortable position and try to fall asleep. And I must've succeed because the next thing I know I was being slapped across the face.

I blinked awake fully expecting to see death but instead I just saw a dark figure wearing a mask. When I saw that they were wearing gloves I let out an internal sigh of relief.

"I'm glad you awake." they said and their voice sounded slightly deeper like a man's but hey, I'm not going to judge if it's a woman with a deep voice.

"I'm not." I mutter.

"What did you say?" they said threateningly.

"Nothing." I say clearly. "So why me? Why kidnap me?"

"I can't reveal that, now can I." they said and I could hear the grin in his voice.

"Sure you can."

"No can do. I'm not going to be one of those people who just blab their plan to everyone."

Why am I even having a conversation with my kidnapper? What is wrong with me?

"I see our chit chat is over. Well let's get on with this, then." they said and rang a bell.

A scared looking girl enters the room and in her hands she clutches a notebook. She brings over the chair that was in the corner and then sits down on the ground while the person sits in the chair.

What are they going to do? They can't know can they? Impossible. I've never told anyone and nobody can like get inside my head.

"Let's get started shall we."they said and takes off their glove. I stare at them.They slowing grab my hand and I gasp.

I watch as they shot in both shoulders and in the legs. Then chained to the ground. A hooded person walks towards them holding a knife and starts cutting the body. And then slowly chops off their fingers one by one. The person screamed in pain. Then the hands were chopped off, then toes and feet. I couldn't look away. It was like I was being forced to watch. Who was doing this to them?

The hooded figure then proceeded to cut off their limbs and then pulled out a bottle. The figure poured the bottle on the wounds and they screamed in agony. How are they even still alive?

Finally I had to watch as the figure slowly cut off their head. I blink and try to pinch myself to wake up but then I realized I was tied to a chair. I shake my head violently, until I was back in the dark room.

"Interesting. What did you see?"

"Nothing. What are you talking about?"

"What did you see?" they yelled. "I know something happens when you touch human's skin. Tell me what you saw!"

I shake my head again.

"Fine." they said and grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away but I was plunged into the scene of their death again.

I tried to get out of it but I couldn't. I watched the death over and over again. Until finally they let go of my hand.

"What did you see?"

"Your death." I whisper shaking and breathing heavily. I'll never forget this, it's been ingrained in my memory forever.

"Really? Interesting." he said and made a motion for the girl to write it down.

"How do I die?"

"I'm not telling you." I say firmly or as firmly as can since I'm still shaking.

"No no no that won't do. You need to tell me so I can avoid it."

"You can't avoid it, that's the thing. You can't cheat death." Unless you're a vampire.

"Oh but I know someone who has. I'll just ask them to help me." they said. I stare at them shocked.

"Yup. I'm keeping her down the hall for now. It's been very hard to contain her." they said. "She'll help me in the end."

He couldn't be talking about Bailey right? There's no way. How would they know about vampires? In fact, how do they know about me?

"How did you know about me? I've never told anyone about this. How could you know?"

"Well I've been observing you of course. And I've noticed a pattern. You avoid skin contact and when you do touch someone's bare skin you seem to freeze and space out. It doesn't take a genius to figure out something is going on." they said sitting back in their chair.

"Why were you watching me?" I asked.

"Well I'm not sure. You I interested me I guess. You get one more question."

"What does the girl in the other room look like?" I ask. I need to know if it's Bailey or not.

"Seriously you're you're wasting your question on that? Well alright then. She's blonde, blue eyes, you know typical. It was very easy to take her you know. It looked like she hasn't fed in a couple of weeks. Well that's enough questions. Now how about you answer mine." they said, but I wasn't listening.

They had Bailey? How? She should've been able to fight them off right? They said it looked like she hasn't fed in awhile, was it because of me? Did I break her heart that badly? I never wanted to, I was being selfish.

I was pulled out my thoughts by a slap. I blink and focus on them.

"Don't space out on me. Tell me how do I die?"

"I'm not telling you." I say glaring at him.

"Fine then." they said and grabbed my hand.

I watched as they died over and over and over again. I couldn't stop until everything went black.

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