Chapter 22

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Was I annoyed that the boys and Bailey joined my nice little by myself party? Yes but I planned to get too drunk to care.

They guys sat down, and I noticed Owen was with them which was good.

"What are you doing Alex?" Ricky asked me. I downed the rest of my drink and poured myself another cup.

"I'm drinking. What does it look like I'm doing?" I say.

"Aren't you underage?" he asked looking a little confused.

I waved him off, "It doesn't matter."

"Can I have some?" Peter asked.

"With or without the soda?" I ask reaching for one of the bottles.


"Suit yourself." I say handing him the bottle. Peter took a sip and immediately made a face.

"This stuff is gross." he said handing the bottle back to me. I passed the bottle around the circle, and Bailey, Ricky, Colin, and Aiden didn't drink. When Andrew got the bottle he drank like a half of it before I yanked the bottle away from him.

"You can't drink it all dumbhead. Leave some for the rest of us." I say and finish my drink to pour another. 

"Alex aren't you drinking a little too much?" Bailey asked concerned.

"Nope. I'm fine." I say grabbing my phone and putting on some music. I don't necessarily like getting drunk and I usually do it alone so I don't have any contact with anyone. But I do it on occasion.

"Hey Peter can you get drunk?" I ask with a little giggle.

"What?" he asked confused.

"You know, can you guys get drunk?" I say gesturing to him and the rest of the guys.

"Oh, no. It's very hard for us to get drunk." he said glancing at Owen nervously.

There was only little bit more liquid in the bottle so I poured myself half and gave the rest to Andrew, he looked like he needed it.

"Come on friends let's dance!" I say grinning and grabbed Peter and Andrew's hands and pushed them to get her. They glance at me awkwardly and tried to move away from each other but I wouldn't let them.

"Dance or else." I try to say threateningly. They started dancing together and after a second they looked like they were having a little bit of fun.

"Come grab partners and dance." I say and Ricky stands up and grabs my hands and we start dancing. While everybody else was looking at us with amused expressions.

"Uhh Alex can we stop dancing now?" Peter asked looking uncomfortable.

"How about we play a game?" Ricky suggested with a grin.

"Ooo ok." I say clapping my hands and we sat down.

"Let's play never have I ever." 

"But we don't have anymore drinks." I complain.

"I have skittles." Adrian said producing three bags of skittles from his pockets.

"Yay!" I cheer clapping my hands and everybody look at me strangely.


"Alex you're acting weird." Bailey said looking a me a little worried.

"She drunk." Owen said and I gave him a big smile.

"Oh." she said looking back at me.

"Ok enough about Alex being drunk. Can we play the game?" Peter asked.

"Yup I'll go first." Adrian said, "Never have I ever, uh, failed a class." Nobody took a skittle."

"My turn," Peter said, "Never have I ever rode on a motorcycle."

"Hey that's targeting." I say and take a skittle, and I wonder briefly why a vampire even has skittles.

"Never have I ever smoked weed." Colin said. Andrew and I both took a skittle then I remembered something. I grabbed my bag and rummaged through the pockets. 

"Yes." I cheer and pull out my last joint and lighter. Again I don't necessarily smoke all the time but when I do it's to write songs.

Everybody except Andrew looked at me strangely. 

"What?" I say looking at them innocently.

"Alex should you really be smoking" Bailey asked looking at me concerned again.

"Relax Bailey. This is my last one." I say trying to light it then eventually handing it to Andrew who was next to me.

"Light it for me and I'll share."  He nodded and lit it, took some and handed it back to me.

"Are we going to keep going?" I ask looking around at their shocked faces. 

We played a couple more rounds until Bailey saw the time and decided that it was time to end it. Bailey helped me pack up the blanket and empty bottles and by help me I mean basically do it for me.

I go up to Andrew and hold out my fist, "Thanks for smoking with me." I say with a grin.

"Yeah whatever. If you, uh, want to do it again we can." he said looking awkward and hitting his fist to mine. He must be at least somewhat stoned to agree to spend time with me again right?

"Cool." I say and say goodbye to everyone else.

Bailey grabbed my arm and turned to Adrain "I'll meet you at home. I need to get her home and make sure she doesn't get kidnapped or something."

"You don't have to come home." Adrain said with a grin.

"Bye Adrain." I yell as Bailey pulled me away. After we took a few steps I looked back and saw Owen say something to Adrian. Adrian nodded and Owen headed down the hill. I turned back around and put all my weight on Bailey.

"Do you want to carry you?" Bailey asked.

"Only if you promise not to go too fast. I don't want to throw up on you." I say with a silly smile.


She picks me up effortlessly and starts walking down the street.

After a few minutes of silence, Bailey breaks it, "Why do you drink?"

I let out a little chuckle, "I don't drink that often."

"Ok. Then why do you smoke?"

"I only smoke sometimes but more than I drink. I do to relax and write songs."

"You write songs?" Bailey asks looking down at me curiously.

"Mhm." I reply closing my eyes. Bailey didn't have any body heat but she didn't feel frozen either.

"What instrument to you play?" I didn't reply.

We were quiet for awhile until Bailey whispered that we were at my house. I didn't move.

I felt a weightlessness feeling and heard a window open. Then Bailey set me down gently on my bed and I cracked one eye open. I watched through blurry eyes as Bailey took of my shoes, and rings.

She made sure I was comfortable and went to leave but I grabbed her arm and pulled her onto my bed. She smiled at me and I snuggled into her side.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard Bailey's phone ring.

She frowned, "Adrian what's up?"

Through the darkness I saw an expression cross her face and I knew. Owen was dead.

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