His eyes

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"with your indifferent eyes, tell me that you love me" - UN village by Baekhyun

The first thing I notice that day is definitely not Allan.

I'm absolutely positive that the first thing that comes to my mind when I enter the school building, is not his bright green irises. Nope not at all. (Expect it is)

My biggest concern that day is actually elsewhere. Like, how to break up with Samantha, or how to confront Chad. Or maybe, how am I ever going to bully Allan? He's probably going to laugh at my face if I punch him or something. He might be a phycho, right?

Somehow I manage to keep a calm exterior half of the school day.
In the morning we intimidate some freshmen, who had been going around telling people they were going to fight me for the king position. One snap of my fingers and they had cowered back to their rank in this school.
After first class I had to break up a fight between Samantha and some other girl that hangs around her. Needless to say that girl has been "banished" by Samantha, she can be quite dramatic.

Now it's lunch recess, and since it's very warm outside, everyone has decided to eat in the park outside school. Everyone including Skye and their friends, aka. Allan.
I know I already promised Devon we would have some fun with him, however I have a feeling it might go south. That's why I made sure only Devon and Chad are coming with me, so there will be less eyewitnesses.

We start walking up to the group, slowly, while making sure everything else around us is running smoothly.
Allan and his friends are sitting behind the school, all alone, perfect.

"You seem to have settled well Allan"
I'm actually not really sure what Devon meant by having fun, like beat up fun or just mocking him? I'll just start off easy.
Allan looks a little startled to see me, but he quickly regains his composure.
He smiles his seemingly signature smile, and runs his hand through his hair. He looks me in the eye, like he reads me, but he doesn't say anything so I just continue.

"That must mean you are gay, right? Too bad" I say, faking a obvious sad face, and Chad laughs a little.

His green irises change from playful to serious quickly, but his dazzling smile remains.

"And why is that so bad Jake?" He asks, faking confusion.
I gulp and bite my tongue gently.

I hate saying stuff I don't really mean.

I don't really mean to say things like this, no matter how tough I appear.

Maybe that's a little surprising, I mean I've said worse, but now it's different. I'm saying it to Allan now. The unpredictable and scary new kid.

"It's gross, we don't tolerate people like you at this school" I laugh, but it's hollow.

I apologize with my eyes. Chad and Devon can't see, they are behind me.

I know I came here to "gain back my status" or whatever, but for some reason I want him to know it's all an act.

It's quiet for awhile before Allan stands up.

I internally panic and my heart starts racing. Outwardly I keep my cool. Something tells me he can see past that outwardly layer though, like he can see past all the walls I built.

His hand grabs my wrist harshly, and I feel the cool exterior start to crumble at the power he radiates.

Okay, he is also stronger than I expected, nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. No need to panic Jake.

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