Their king

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"I'm the place you can come to, you're the place I can go to" - seventeen "home"

"What is that?"

It's a cold afternoon, last period.

It's been two weeks since the incident at the cafeteria, two holy weeks without Samantha.

It's also been two whole weeks of harshly shoving Allan into the lockers, mixed with some cruel jokes and mocking laughs.

If I was him, I would hate me right now.
It's not really been the best feeling, bullying him. Well more like bothering him, but still.

I face his icy stare every time, and it's getting harder and harder. When I close my eyes, all I can see is him, looking at me disappointedly.

So yeah, no matter how nice it has been without Samantha, it's also been quite rough. But it's not like I deserve to say that. I'm not the one being bothered. It's Allan.

Allan, the one who is apparently even more perfect than he appears. He is one of the most perfect people I've ever seen. He is confident, funny, charming, smart and good looking.

What am I compared to a guy like him? Nothing.

"Dude, you there?"

Devon looks at me weirdly.


"I asked what that was Dude?"

He laughs.
His laugh reminds me of the days when everything was simple.
When I wasn't king of Lake view high.
When he and I would run around causing trouble, that people brushed away as "they are just kids"
The good old days.

"What is what?"

"The look on your face? You keep spacing out and even smiling once in a while, it's creepy"
He laughs.

I just sigh and roll my eyes, deciding to not answer him.

Today is one of the worst days of the month. Study day.
On this particular day, all seniors have to stay at school until 6, just studying. It's practically torture.

I look at the clock, hoping that at least a few minutes have past since I last looked.


F*ck my life.


Did someone just say my name?


Oh it was behind me.

I look behind me, where Allan ended up having his seat. It's Allan whispering.

I'm surprised he's talking to me at all, someone must have forced him. I would never talk to someone who bothers me on a daily basis. Allan is different, I know that. It's like nothing about him is normal.

I hum so he knows he has my attention.

He has that same sunshine smile he always has, and it's weird. It's not normal.

Devon is talking with Chad, and they are not looking. I guess there is no reason for me to act mean then.

Allan still doesn't answer, so I roll my eyes and hum louder to make him speak. We have to hurry this while Devon and Chad are still occupied.

"We need to talk, privately" he whispers, serious.

Allan wants to talk? I grow nervous.
Is this a trick? Does he want revenge or something?

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