Sixty Eight

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-Seven Devils-

-for what has been done cannot be undone-

-in the eagle's eye-

The whole castle was in chaos; the Stone Knights were magicked to protect the school, the Professors were rushing younger students to the Hufflepuff common room to hide, and Vena passed Seamus, whose face was covered in soot from blowing something up.

She ran past everyone, trying to reach Draco as quickly as she could. She had yet to find Blaise and Theo. She hoped that nothing bad had happened to them.

In just under seven minutes, she made it to the dungeons. Filch was standing in front of the entrance, and giving a storm look of disdain towards Vena.

She wasn't surprised. Filch hated everybody. She glared back at him.

"Please, Mr. Filch. I just need to see my brother."

He stroked Mrs. Norris, unmoving. "I don't do any favors."

Vena huffed. She didn't have time for this. She pulled out her wand, and stunned him before he could make any reaction. Mrs. Norris hissed, and without thought, Vena stunned her too.

"Sorry," she winced.

"Morsmordre," she spoke to the wall, as the entrance came into view.

She was seriously tired of hearing that word. It was the password to every common room, much to Vena's dismay.

When she opened the door, all of the Slytherins were in the common room. Some of the younger students were along the sides of the room, crying as the older Slytherins comforted them.

Those that were known supporters of the Dark Lord were in a little group to the left of Vena. It was a shock to Vena how Slytherins were titled as the Dark Lord followers when so little of them actually supported him.

To Vena's knowledge, there were probably only sixteen people in total that supported him. She scanned the room, looking for her friends. And in the very corner of the room, like the hermit he is, was Draco.

Still no Blaise and Theo.

There were other students, who looked indifferent to what was happening on the ground above them, and whispered while staring at Draco.

Some were judgmental about it, while others were gossiping because of how shocking it was. The whole school now knows that the Malfoy siblings were Blood-traitors.

The thought was relieving. Vena was tired of pretending.

Draco stood up and walked over to Vena, ignoring the stares the two were now attracting. "We need to find Blaise and Theo."

Vena turned to her brother. "Of course I know that. They might be in the Room of Requirement. We should check there first," she whispered.

Draco nodded, and the two left the common room, not knowing that people were listening in their conversation.

If only Vena wasn't whispering right next to Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. If only the twins discussed where they were going outside of the common room, away from listening ears.

Because now loyal supporters of the Dark Lord knew where the twins were going. And they were curious why the two betrayed their Lord. And the three were going to get their revenge.

Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle waited five more minutes, then ran out of the common room as well, ready to get their revenge on the twins.  No one was going to betray the Dark Lord and survive.

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