Forty Seven

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-Champagne Problems-

-she would've made such a lovely bride-

-what a shame she's stuck in her head-

Vena was dismissed from the Hospital Wing the following day. She spent the whole day with Draco, finishing up the Vanishing Cabinet.

It was long, and exhausting and repetitive, but it was almost complete. All year, they had worked for this, and the end was so near they could taste it. It reminded Vena of something that tasted bitter and melancholy.

But it also meant that she had to do something she had been dreading since the night her and Harry kissed. If only she weren't so impulsive that night.

If only she were thinking about the consequences, not only for herself, but for Harry as well. If only she weren't selfish. It seems that her most selfish decisions always have dire outcomes.

This would break him. This would break her.

She didn't want to end things with him. But she had to.

She spent the whole day in the Room of Hidden Things, procrastinating what she had to do. They were nearly done. Draco said that this would all go down in the next couple of days. He just needed to find the right time.

Vena didn't know when the right time would be. It seems that they both are procrastinating. Like brother like sister.

In the next couple of days, Draco would have either killed Dumbledore, or he wouldn't. And Vena's life was riding on his success.

Breaking up with Harry was the best option. Either she would die, or she would become a Death Eater, and both situations would destroy Harry. She couldn't be selfish any longer.

Sighing as she entered the common room, she saw Harry sitting on the sofa. His eyes brightened when he saw her, and Vena wished they didn't.

He had that look that he always did, and Vena wished it disappeared. She didn't want to see the moment on his face when she ended things.

He noticed the look on her face, and frowned. "What's wrong?" he asked, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

She smiled regretfully at him. "Let's sit down. I need to speak to you."

Obeying, Harry sat down. He waited patiently for her to speak, whereas Vena was trying to put everything into words.

Vena was never good with words. Never good at speaking or writing a letter. She wished Harry knew Legilimency. She could handle him being in her mind.

Too bad that the meadow of forget-me-nots was still destroyed.

She took a deep breath. Nothing could prepare either of them for this conversation. "I want to end things."

Harry's look of sympathy changed to a look of confusion and subdued anger. "What?"

"Harry, you couldn't have seriously thought we could still be together. A war is brewing, and we're on opposite sides. Despite your optimism that the Order will protect me, I know that's not the case. We can't be together."

He stood up, pacing, biting his thumbnail. "I was going to say it, you know. I know we're technically not together, but I've never felt like this with anyone. I was going to say. Have been, for a while now."

His words didn't register at first. She didn't know what he meant. But he was looking at her expectantly, and even though he was angry, he had that look in his eyes.

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