Thirty Six

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-does she love you-

-and i swear i do-

Vena found out what happened with Katie Bell a few days after Hogsmeade. She overheard it in the corridors from obnoxious third years.

But she was the one that did this.

She imperiused Madam Rosmerta, who imperiused Katie. It's all her fault. Vena wasn't thinking about other problems that could arise.

She was too eager to get the job done, and in doing so, it made her careless. She wasn't thinking about what ifs, and what could happen to the messenger. She should've thought it through better.

And because she didn't use her head, because she was selfish, Katie got hurt.

Katie didn't deserve this. She knows Katie. She's kind, and polite, and was accepting when Vena joined the Quidditch team last term. Katie shouldn't have to spend her seventh year, the last year of simply being a kid, in a hospital bed.

She should get to play Quidditch, and hang out with her friends, and get drunk off of firewhiskey if she wanted. Not being bed ridden until Merlin knows when.

She spent the rest of the day in Draco's dorm room, who had gone deathly pale when she regaled the story to him. They were lucky that the other boys were not in the dormitory, as the twins didn't want to communicate to each other using Occlumency and Legilimency. They simply didn't have the mental strength.

This task was wearing the twins down from the inside out. It was starting to get hard for Vena to pretend everything was fine when everything was certainly not fine.

The two laid in Draco's bed, going over the situation in their heads. It was dead silent in the dormitory.

She hoped that Theo couldn't wait and took his girl of the week to a broom closet somewhere. She didn't have the patience with him today.

Rumors spread and manifest into over exaggerated, darker things. But the siblings didn't know what part of the story was true and what wasn't. All they knew was that Katie somehow touched it, and is now at St. Mungo's. But the details didn't really matter.

No matter what actually happened, it all started with Vena. She was the one to suggest using the necklace, and to get Madam Rosmerta to imperio someone else to do their dirty work. all because she wanted to be selfish.

"We can't let someone else get hurt, Draco," Vena whispered.

He rubbed his hand over his face, before sighing. "I know. Nobody else will. I have a better plan."

She turned on her right side, and placed both of her hands underneath her head. "What's your idea?"

"Madam Rosmerta will give Dumbledore one of her finest wines. Only that wine will be filled with a deadly poison, that we will both have the pleasure of making."

"Do you think that'll work?"

"It has to. I don't know what else to do."

"Okay. As long as nobody gets hurt," she said, turning over on her back.

She stared at the black canopy hanging over Draco's bed. She wished she could sink into the green silk sheets on his bed. Oh how lovely it would be if she never had to leave the safety of Draco's dormitory. It reminded her of home.

She missed the home she knew before the Dark Lord returned.

Vena didn't even register that she missed the Slug Club dinner until Blaise had come into the dormitory. Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle were thankfully, nowhere to be found.

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