Twenty One

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-Burning Pile-

-all my troubles on a burning pile-

-all lit up and i start to smile-



"Pretty please?"

"No, Vi."

"Oh come on," Vena whined, "I need practice!"

"You are not going inside my head," Draco snapped.

Vena has been trying to convince her brother for the past fifteen minutes to let her practice Legilimency on him.

The two really should be studying for their OWLS, but Vena's eyes hurt and she was so, so, bored. Vena and Draco had completed almost all of their OWLS, only having Astronomy, History of Magic, and for Vena, Arithmancy.

The two were studying in Draco's dormitory, so they were able to talk while studying as opposed to being in the library. It was also a good thing that none of the other boys were here.

Crabbe and Goyle were most likely tormenting younger students, Theo was off shagging some girl, and Blaise was... Well Vena didn't really know what he does in his free time. She knows that he keeps stalking some girl, or at least that's what Draco said.

Blaise has had a crush on this one girl for a few months now, but Vena has no idea who it is. Blaise refused to tell, and not even Draco and Theo know who the mystery girl is.

Perhaps Vena should practice Legilimency on Blaise, that way she'll be able to feed her curiosity and find out who she is. It was killing Vena that she didn't know Blaise's crush.

She wanted to practice on Stella, but the girl had politely declined and Vena didn't have the strength to push her. She respected the girl's wishes.

But Draco was her brother.

The rules didn't apply to him.

"But Snape hasn't given me any lessons even though he told me he would. And I've been studying Legilimency from books in the library. I just need someone so I can learn how to go through memories quickly. The books say that a master Legilimens can take less that a minute to find all the information they need," Vena told him.

"We have our Astronomy OWL tonight," her brother argued.

"So? We of all people know everything about the stars. We're named after them for Salazar's sake."

Draco stared at her in disbelief. "I have no idea how you are second and I'm third in our year."

"That's because you don't do things in class besides insult other people. At least I actually do what the teacher tells me to do," she argued.

Actually, she does know why she's second and Draco is third. But she's taking that secret to her grave.

"Maybe if the Professor's weren't useless, I would feel more inclined to do my work in class," Draco complained.

Vena rolled her eyes as the door sung open. She hoped it was Blaise, so she could ask him. He would probably say no, but maybe if she bribed him with something he would comply.

Maybe if she asked her mother to make her famous treacle tart... Yeah, that could work. Blaise is obsessed with that stuff.

To her disappointment, it was not Blaise who came in the dormitory, but Theo.

With a girl.

"No," Draco said, not even looking up from his Astronomy charts.

Theo didn't listen, and had pushed the girl to his bed. He didn't spare a glance at Draco or Vena before taking off his shirt and hopping into bed with the random girl.

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