Twenty Two

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-Mrs Magic-

-loosen my mind from within-

-before it starts to wear and thin-

By the time the Gryffindors had arrived to the tower, it was nearing three in the morning. No one spoke the whole time, and when they got to the common room everyone was awake.

"What happened?" Asked Angelina.

Vena knew that with all of the yelling and sparks in the air people had to of woken up.

It was mostly the older kids that were awake, as they were the most curious. There were still a few younger students, but most of the first and seconds years were still asleep.

Seamus and Dean gave a dramatic retelling of the story, with hand gestures to emphasize their point.

Vena didn't bother listening to their summary of what had happened. She didn't need to relive Professor McGonagall getting hit with four stunners to the chest. It was incredibly serious that she had gotten hit that many times.

One stunner would knock a person out, but four? It was a possibility that she wouldn't wake up.

Everyone went to bed after that. The fifth years were mentally and physically exhausted from tonight, and those who were asleep before were hoping to get a few more hours asleep. By the time everyone had gone to their dormitories, Vena was the only one in the common room.

She couldn't go back to sleep.

Once Vena woke up for the day, that was it. She never went back to sleep, or took naps. She knew that her lack of sleep would hit her around mid-afternoon, but she'll push through. Keeping her usual sleep schedule is very important to Vena.

Vena didn't sit in her chair, but chose to lay on the floor. She couldn't give an exact reason, but the floor looked very comfortable and it seemed like a good decision.

She could feel the coldness from the hardwood floor, contrasting to the warmth from the fireplace. She felt her muscles relax into the ground, like she was melting into the floor.

She didn't close her eyes, or occlude, she just laid there.

Vena didn't know how long it's been since everyone had went to bed, but at some point she heard footsteps and saw Harry come tumbling down the stairs.

He tilted his head curiously at her, a smile gracing on his face. "Comfortable?" He asked, grinning down at her.

"Very much. Come on," she said, patting the empty space to the right of her.

He chuckled to himself, and walked over to where Vena was laying. He plopped down next to her, and turned his head towards her. "So... What are we doing exactly?"

Vena put her pointer finger to her lips. "Shhhhh. Just, lay there. It's relaxing."

She turned her head to stare at the ceiling again. It was nice, for a few minutes, but Harry kept staring at her and she didn't know why. "Are you going to keep staring at me all night?" She asked, a smirk forming on her lips.

She saw him blush from the corner of her eye.

"Sorry. It's just... Never mind."

A beat of silence.

"I hope Professor McGonagall is going to be okay," she whispered.

"She's a fighter. There's no way she'll give those people the satisfaction."

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