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-fight those demons-

-and sell your soul, not your whole self-

"How am I supposed to get Stella to talk to me again?" Draco asked her in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Maybe don't be such an arse," Vena whispered under her breath.

"Heard that," he snapped.

"You were supposed to."

"Vi, I'm being serious. Stella didn't give me a reason why she's mad at me. I've never even talked to her for fuck's sake!"

Knowing her brother is going to get worked up in the next three minutes, Vena took out some spare parchment, and made the lines needed for a tic-tac-toe game.

It was probably the most calming things the twins could do, specifically Draco. He wasn't as lucky as her, and didn't get the pleasure of occluding his problems away.

"Vi, what do I do?"

Vena bit her cheek in thought. If Draco really cared about Stella, or enough to still be bothered that she doesn't like him, then perhaps he's willing to change. She might've written him off on the comments he had made during Christmas break, and that was completely unfair.

After all, Vena used to have those same views until the people around her changed her beliefs. She didn't give Draco the same opportunity.

It's just harder, to believe that Draco may have doubts about Pure-blood views. After all, he is much more boastful about being a Pure-blood than Vena, and has no problem with insulting those he feels is inferior. Never once, had Vena believed that Draco didn't think that Muggle-borns were the scum of the earth.

But she had to give him a chance. Stella had now proven that she could stand up to Draco, and call him out. If Stella were willing to keep him in check, along with Vena's constant reminders of his need for change, Draco could alter his beliefs.

If Draco believed all of the things that she believed in, then Vena would feel much less alone.

"Vi," Draco said, snapping his fingers in front of her. "It's your turn."

Vena looked down, and saw that Draco had placed his x in the top right corner. Vena went opposite of him, and scratched her quill in the bottom left space.

"She didn't tell me her reasonings exactly," Vena began, "but she told me that a huge reason for her not wanting to be associated with you is because of your views."

"My views? On what, the weather?"

"No you idiot," Vena huffed. "Your views on blood status."

"What's wrong with my views on blood status?" Draco asked, genuinely perplexed.

She wanted to glare at her brother and make a sassy retort, but if she wanted to change his views, she needed to be patient.

Draco is stubborn, and he certainly won't change his views during a class that they don't even pay attention to.

"Well, Stella isn't like us," she started easily, writing an o in the center, "She isn't a Pure-blood. Nor apart of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Unlike our families and the others our family associates with, Stella believes that everyone is equal, regardless of blood status."

"So she doesn't want to be with me because we have different views?" Draco asked, writing an x on the right of center.

Vena sighed. "It's not just different views. Having different views is preferring pumpkin pasties over cauldron cakes. Or which Quidditch team is better. We're talking about the discrimination over people, Draco. Something that they can't control."

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