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-but i promise you this-

-i'll always look out for you-

Vena's world stopped the minute Theo stopped breathing. But with Harry here, it made the world start to turn slowly again.

She felt like she could breath.

She felt like she could allow herself to breath.

Theo was gone, but Vena needed to find a way to breath again. She missed him.

"What happened?" Harry asked softly, cupping her face in his hands and rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs.

She relished in the comfort of Harry's touch. It had felt like forever since she had last saw him.

Theo's death altered the way Vena could tell time. Because Theo's death felt like an eternity, but she knew that wasn't the case.

To the universe, Theo was just another death. Not someone that was arguably one of the most important people in her life. Vena missed him.

Vena shook her head, not wanting to answer. She wanted to bury the memory and emotions down, but they kept coming up, teasing her.

Flashes of moments with Theo popped up in her mind. They bloomed and kept trying to show the memory.

When her and Theo shared their first kiss, they made their first bet on a Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match, and when the dances together at the Yule Ball.

She remembered how she felt when she was with him. She no longer looked back at their relationship with disgust, but with a warm feeling in her chest.

During fifth year, she had felt disgusted that she wasted her time on him. But now, she looks back on it with fondness and nostalgia. The way the two had loved each other wasn't true love by any means, but Vena knows now that she did love him.

It's different than her love from Harry. But she loved Theo nonetheless. There was no one else she would that her be betrothed to, and Vena knew that if she actually did marry Theo, she would've been content.

Maybe not satisfied or in love, but she would've been content. Because Theo was her best friend and her first love. Vena missed him.

Harry wrapped his arms around her. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I also know that you would be furious with me if I didn't say anything."

She couldn't even process what had happened the past thirty minutes other than Theo dying.

What happened before her world fell apart? What happened before her best friend was ripped out of her arms?

Oh. Right. The Dark Lord had warned Harry. He told Harry that if he didn't turn himself in, more people would die. More people would die like Theo. Others would lose their best friends and first loved the same way Vena lost Theo.

She wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. But was that worth sacrificing Harry? In Vena's mind, it wasn't worth it. Nothing would be worth losing Harry, even if it meant that others would die the same way Theo did. Because she loved Harry and that was more important than anything else.

When Theo died, Vena's world had stopped. But with Harry there, she knew that it would keep turning. It might be slow, and it might not be for a long time, but it would turn.

And if Harry died, Vena didn't think the world would ever move. Because Harry was Vena's world. He was the reason why she joined the DA, and why she wanted to be good.

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