Twenty Eight

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-Pluto Projector-

-the great protector-

-is that what i'm supposed to be-

Vena knew that something was wrong when she heard raised voices. There were two weeks before September 1st, which meant the annual trip to Diagon Alley.

Vena, Draco, and her mother were currently getting new dress robes for the upcoming year, a 'sorry you're a Death Eater and your life is being threatened' present. Vena thinks her mother needs to readjust her ideas for a good apology.

The idea of getting new dress robes for Vena seemed pointless. But she wanted to please her mother, so she was in the back trying on her custom-made robes with a matching dress underneath.

It made for a beautiful monochrome outfit, even though it was only black. Vena really needs to expand her color palette.

"Who blacked your eye, Granger? I want to send them flowers," her brother said.

Vena had to restrain a laugh. It was quite a rude comment, but Vena could appreciate her brother's humor every now and then.

At least now Vena knew why her brother was making sneer comments. He could never go two minutes without insults in the presence of Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"That's quite enough!" Madam Malkin said sharply.

Vena sighed. She needed to get out there to hopefully diffuse the tension. Today was not the day for her mother and Draco to be in a mood. They had a task to do.

Vena changed out of her dress robes, which unfortunately took a lot longer than she wanted due to the dress needing to be tied in. Cursing the extremely tight ribbon, she hastily untied the dress which pooled at her feet.

"They might be able to find you a double cell in Azkaban with your loser of a husband!" A voice said.

Vena knew that voice. She's been dying to hear that voice for nine weeks, and the first thing she hears from him is an insult to her family.

She rushed to put her casual black dress back on, and lace up her black heels.

"Harry, no!" Hermione pleaded. "You mustn't, you'll be in so much trouble..."

Vena gathered the dress robes and put them neatly on the hanger, wanting to avoid wrinkles.

"Watch where you're putting those pins, woman! Mother, I don't want these anymore," Draco complained, right as Vena walked into the room.

Everyone stared at her as she came into view, and she smiled sheepishly. "They fit nicely," she complimented awkwardly, holding up the robes.

"It doesn't matter, Vi," her mother said, "now that I know the type of scum that shops here... We'll do better at Twilfitt and Tatting's."

Vena pouted. "But these were made just for me! And it has pockets!"

"Now, Venatici," her mother snapped.

Vena shut her mouth. She would never cross her mother when she uses Vena's full name.

Her mother pursed her lips. "Draco and I will be waiting outside."

Her brother and mother left the shop, leaving Vena, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all staring at each other, while Madam Malkin put away Draco's robes.

Vena turned to Madam Malkin. "Do you think you can send these to the Manor? I really do like them..."

Madam Malkin's face brightened. "Of course, Miss Malfoy."

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