Forty Five

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trigger warning- panic attacks

-Where's My Love-

-does she know that we bleed the same-

-don't wanna cry but i break that way-

It made her sick, and Vena could notice the secrets and guilt were getting to her and Draco. The two were dangerously pale, and had horrible bags underneath their eyes.

Vena had started skipping class to help out Draco with the Vanishing Cabinet. They would switch every few hours muttering the incantation while the other was there for moral support and for sanity's sake.

And while Harry didn't remember what Vena had told him, he knew that something was up. He had a natural curiosity, and Vena could tell that even though she had obliviated his memory of that night, his suspicions still remained.

There had been moments where Vena knew that he was starting to catch on once again. And Vena tried everything within her power to stop him from finding out.

Two weeks ago, Vena caught him lurking by the Room of Requirement. She had been late going to the Room of Requirement, too caught up with making up homework in the library from all of the lessons she had missed.

She walked briskly to the wall on the seventh floor, mentally preparing herself for the rant she was going to get from Draco about being on time. He was a prick like that.

As she was nearing the corner, a few first years ran towards her, screaming. Merlin, she hated it when children screamed. First years were the bane of her existence.

"Why are you screaming?" She snapped.

Their screaming stopped, too petrified to make her angry. Vena was suddenly glad that she was the daughter of a Death Eater.

It made the younger students to not want to get on her bad side. Good. She hated it when the younger ones had big egos.

A first year with blonde hair decided to be the brave one. "There's a ghost over there. But not like the usual ones; this one was completely invisible and kept muttering to itself. It reminded me of the Bloody Baron."

Vena stared them down, knowing that they were extremely close to pissing their trousers. "Scram."

They did as such, even running down the corridor to follow her orders. She smirked. She loved terrifying children. She turned the corner, and sure enough, there was no one there. Perhaps whoever it was had left.

Or, that's what she thought, until she could smell pine trees.


"Um, no?"

Vena rolled her eyes. "Take off the cloak."

And before Vena's eyes, Harry had appeared from underneath the cloak, with a sheepish look on his face.

She pursed her lips. "What are you doing underneath your cloak?"

"Why were you walking over here?" he countered.

Vena paused. She knew a trap when she could see one. "I was putting these things back in the dormitory."

"But you're missing Defense Against the Dark Arts right now," Harry said, raising a brow at her.

"Yes, and you're missing it too."

Harry's eyes widened. Vena stared. Both seemed to not want to say anything. They were at a stalemate.

Forget-Me-Not {Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now