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-Rebel Prince-

-where is my master, the rebel prince?-

Vena has never been more excited to go back to Hogwarts than this term. She hated being home.

The Manor that used to be filled with light and plants and the scent of her mother's perfume wafting through the air was now dreary and cold. She could feel the darkness of the west wing of her home bleed through the walls. Vena and Draco were not allowed to go to the west wing, but she certainly wasn't complaining.

Her pet owl, Aphrodite, perched happily on her shoulder as she walked to her usual compartment.

She had went in the opposite direction that Draco had, her going to the end of the train while he went to the front.

Adding onto her continuous disappointments, Vena had not been selected as Prefect. This had considerably disappointed her father, who had been Prefect during his time at Hogwarts. She doesn't think she has seen her father this furious since first year, when she was sorted into Gryffindor.

The selfish thoughts and her choice of being placed in Gryffindor is Vena's biggest secret. She remembers her father traveling to Hogwarts a few days after the sorting.

He had yelled at Dumbledore for over two hours, saying how delirious he was to put faith into an old hat that it would make the right decision. Vena inferred that her father did not know that putting in requests for the sorting hat was a thing, therefore her secret was protected.

It didn't stop her father from being angry, though. When she came home from Christmas that year, she could tell her placement in Gryffindor irked him.

One night, she snuck out of her room to go to the library, which passed her father's office. He talked in hushed whispers to her mother, saying how Vena better not become like Sirius Black.

As it turns out, Sirius Black was her mother's cousin, who was placed in Gryffindor. He had completely accepted this decision, and began rebelling against his parents, which eventually got him kicked out. He had put his Gryffindor pride on full display, and because of this, he was disowned.

From hearing that news in first year, Vena had made sure to suppress any Gryffindor traits she might show.

In fact, it made it quite hard to tell she was even in Gryffindor in the first place. She only hung out with Slytherins, only dated Slytherins, only sat with Slytherin in meals and classes.

At home, she never hung anything red or gold, and at school, she would never wear her tie. The only time you could truly tell that she was a Gryffindor, was at Quidditch matches and the end of the year feast. She quite enjoyed rubbing it in her friends faces every time Gryffindor won a match or the house cup.

"Hey, Vi. Let's go to the compartment now, come on," a voice said, slightly tugging on her black dress.

Vena pulled herself out of her thoughts, and came face to face with Blaise Zabini. Her smile rose instantly. ''Sorry," she flushed.

"That's alright. Come on, we should go before Theo thinks it's a good idea to bring his girl of the week to the compartment. I don't want it to be spoiled."

The two made their way to the back of the train, Aphrodite hooting in Vena's ear.

Disappointed but certainly not surprised, the door to the compartment was locked. The two looked at each other in dismay, before Blaise took out his wand an unlocked it. Opening the door, they rolled their eyes to see Theo snogging some girl, both of them without shirts.

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